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Chroma Hackpack


Chroma is a vector database. In this hackpack, we'll use it to implement retrieval augmented generation (RAG) – a technique for enhancing large language model (LLM) informational capabilities. Specifically, we'll build a chat bot to answer logistic questions about TreeHacks 2024.


LLMs like ChatGPT are capable of solving sophisticated tasks. However, their knowledge of current events and new information is often limited by training cut-off dates. Moreover, LLMs can exhibit hallucinatory behavior. In other words, LLMs have strong reasoning abilities but they often need the appropriate facts to reason with.

Rerieval augmentented generation is a technique of retrieving information and then providing it to the LLM to augment the content it next generates. This helps mitigate hallucination and supplements the LLM's existing knowledge with facts of the developer's choice.

In the case of our application, we'll use RAG to provide our chat bot up-to-date information regarding TreeHacks 2024.

How does RAG work?

Typically, LLMs directly respond to a user's query. Retrievel augmented generation modifies the query by including relevant facts to the query.

First, we select several documents containing information relevant to TreeHacks logistics. We then calculate embeddings for the document contents. Embeddings are vectors that represent the semantics of a given string. If two vector embeddings are similar, then we know the semantics of the two respective strings are also similar. These embeddings are all loaded into our vector database, Chroma.

Once our vector database is populated, we can begin querying it. When the user prompts our chat bot, the following occurs:

(1) Take in user input. (2) Pass the input's embedding into a vector database. Retrieve the k most similar vectors and their associated strings. Each of these strings represent the information that is most relevant to the user's query. (3) Pass the user's original input along with the information from the vector database into the LLM. (4) Return the LLM's output.

RAG with Chroma diagram.

This framework is simple, but powerful. There are several ways to introduce additional sophistication into RAG, but for the purpose of this hackpack we'll focus on the basics.

Project Walkthrough

Step 0: Installing Dependencies

Ensure you have Python 3+ installed on your computer.

Download this repository and run pip install -r requirements.txt.

Step 1: Setting up Chroma

Before we can process user queries, we must populate a Chroma vector database with embeddings.


We will use the langchain library to load and pre-process our data.

from langchain_community.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter

First, we'll use the DirectoryLoader to load all the files from our documents folder. Then, we'll use the RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter to break each document down into a series of strings. Each string will have its own embedding and thus can be independently queried.

loader = DirectoryLoader('./documents')
documents = loader.load()

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0)
texts = text_splitter.split_documents(documents)

You'll notice that the documents folder comes pre-populated with TreeHacks related documents. You may replace these documents if you'd like your RAG LLM to be fed a different set of information.

Loading into Chroma

Setting up our Chroma database is very easy.

from langchain_community.vectorstores import Chroma
from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings

We will use OpenAIEmbeddings to embed our texts. However, we don't need to manually do this – Chroma will handle it. We simply declare our Chroma database with the texts and the embedding function.

embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(documents=texts, embedding=embeddings, persist_directory='db')

This will automatically produce a Chroma vector database containing all the text documents and their vector embeddings. If you'd like to use a different embedding function, you can easily replace it.

Before running this code, you will need to set up your API key. Use this tutorial provided by OpenAI.

Moreover, notice that we pass a value for persist_directory. This tells Chroma to locally save the vector database to the folder db. By doing so, we can simply load in the vector database next time we run our program. This allows us to avoid recomputing the embeddings for all the documents.

Step 2: Running Queries

Now that we've configured our Chroma database, we'd like to query it for the purpose of RAG. langchain gives us a pre-packaged object to do this.

from langchain_openai import OpenAI
from langchain.chains import VectorDBQA

The VectorDBQA automatically coordinates interactions between our LLM and Chroma vector database. We can declare it easily.

qa = VectorDBQA.from_chain_type(llm=OpenAI(), chain_type="stuff", vectorstore=vectordb)

To ask it a question, we can simply call the invoke method.

query = "What are the top prize categories?"
out = qa.invoke(query)

This outputs: The hackathon starts on Friday, February 16th at 9pm.

(You may notice a slightly different output when running this script, since ChatGPT is non-deterministic. It should be of similar content. however.)

Step 3 (optional): User Interface

We have produced a minimally viable instance of RAG! However, most users are probably in want of a more friendly user interface for development or usage purposes.

To achieve this, we can use the gradio library.

import gradio as gr

Gradio gives us a convenient chatbot template we can simply define some logic for. Let us first declare our chatbot response function.

def response(message, history):
    h = ''

    for d in history:
        h += 'User message: \'' + d[0] + '\', '
        h += 'Bot message: \'' + d[1] + '\' \n'

    m = 'You are an chatbot meant to answer participant questions about TreeHacks, a hackathon. Here is the prior message history: \n' + h + '\nHere is the message you have just been given: ' + message

This function accepts two variables: the most recent message from the user and a history of previous messages. We format the chat history into a single string such that our chatbot is always aware of the conversation's whole context. Although re-formatting this string every function call is certainly not the most elegant or efficient approach, it will suffice for our proof-of-concept.

Notice that we also use this formatting step to provide additional context regarding the chatbot's purpose. This is a simple technique for focusing the chatbot's responses.

To start our user interface, we can run the following line.


You should see a local URL printed in the terminal. Use this to access the gradio chat interface.


Thanks to everyone at Chroma for supporting this hackpack and TreeHacks!

Additional Resources

  • This hackpack is heavily derived from Harrison Chase's chroma-langchain demo repo. Please check it out!
  • Chroma has a variety of integratons and features, including multi-modal capabilities. Check out their documentation to learn more.


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