This is an API that was built using RubyOnRails. It is a Rest Api and can perform all rest functions . Users can make requests to retrieve information,or create data.
- Features
- Concepts Employed
- Built With
- Required Installations
- Instalation of This App
- Future Improvements
- License
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
- There is a user table with authentication
- THere is a courses table that contains a list of courses
- There is a favorites table that belongs to the user
- Associations
- Authentication
- Foreign Keys
- Validations
- RSpec
- ruby
- rails
Once you have installed the requiered packages shown on the Required Installations, proceed with the following steps
Clone the Repository,
your@pc:~$ git clone
Move to the downloaded folder
your@pc:~$ cd Courses-api
Install all packages
your@pc:~$ bundle install
To test
your@pc:~$ rspec
- Signing in with google
- Signing in with Github
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- 🇳🇬 Abiodun Ajibade - | Github Account | Twitter | Linkedin
- Microverse and Odin Project .