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Biggest MERN Project of My Portfolio that I have been building over 200 commits. I have browsed through real retailer websites online and implement features on their websites.

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Project Name : E-commerce Proshop

Can you clone this project ?

  • Sorry but I don't have a plan on sharing this project even thou it's on Github as public mode. Even if you download the source code, You won't be able to run this project correctly because you don't have access to many different env variables like Paypal, SendGrid, Databases keys... and more.

What is this project about ?

  • This is an e-commerce websites to sell electronics that I have built to demonstrate my skills as a developer. I got inspired by E-commerce websites like JB-Hifi so I decided to build an e-commerce websites that looks similar to them.

Tech-Stacks of this project ?

  • FrontEnd :
    • React
    • TypeScript ( using interfaces to have better control of data-flow )
    • React Boostrap and Styled Components ( CSS )
    • State Management ( Redux & Redux Thunk )
    • Useful tools : Axios (HTTP Request) and Redux-Helmet (Dynamic page Title)
  • Server-side :
    • NodeJS
    • Express + Express Async Handler + Nodemon
    • Datebases Interaction ( Mongoose )
    • Server-Side Scriptting ( JSONWebToken and bcryptjs )
    • Sending mails : Nodemailer
    • Postman ( API testing )
  • Databases : MongoDB ( free-tier AWS )
  • Deployment : Heroku
  • Version Control : Git and Github

Web Features :

  • As User :

    • Browsing through the websites and see different type of products.
    • Be able to filter product based on there specs like filter laptops using ScreenSizes and ProcessorTypes,...
    • Be able to create an account without worrying about leaking information due to encrypted info saved databases.
    • Have a section to keep track of their orders.
    • Have their own Wish List and Cart List with saved data into a databases.
    • Can leave a review for a product, choose to agree or disagree other user reviews
    • Be able to filter reviews with 6 different choices :
      _ Highest to Lowest Rating | Lowest to Highest Rating
      _ Highest to Lowest Agree | Lowest to Highest Agree
      _ Highest to Lowest DisAgree | Lowest to Highest DisAgree
    • Can delete their own reviews
    • Can change their user information account
    • Proceed to buy a item using credit card or Paypal
    • Be able to reset their password if they register with their gmail
  • As Admin :

    • Have all the privileges above
    • Have Admin Page to control on products, orders, users
    • Can create a new product visually through an interface
    • Can change information about a product like : name, price, image, description, tech details,... through an interface
    • Update discount price for a specific item thourgh an UI

What did I do in this project ?

  • FrontEnd :
    _ Building webpages and re-usable components using React
    _ Design and build responsive layout and render different components for websites based on screen-width ( mobile-first design )
    _ Building pagination system for lists of product, lists of review, ... to help saving web-performance
    _ Building dynamic filters for products based on brands, tech specs, ...
    _ Building 6 type of filters for reviews section
    _ Building CartList and WishList connected to a databases
    _ Building Product Screen that change detail table based on category
    _ Integrating with Paypal APIs to proceed online payment
    _ Intergrating with GoogleMap APIs and Adding dynamic Marker with real-information with it
    _ Build a ContactUs page where it connects directly to emailJS to send email to my gmail
    _ Adding ScrollToTop Button
    _ Building Admin Page
    _ Building Custom Discount Function and give admin the ability to discount any items as wish thourgh an user interface
    _ Using Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux Dev Tool to manage state of the whole application
    _ Using TypeScript to help demonstrate data-flow in web-application through interfaces
    _ Working with more than 30+ APIs from the backend using axios with different methods
    _ Writting CSS components using React-Boostrap for time-saving but also installing Styled-Components to re-write or create any CSS components if neccessary
  • BackEnd :
    _ Connecting to MongoDB AWS using mongoose
    _ Using environment variable to secure tokens, keys, ...
    _ Using Routing and Middlewares to create APIs
    _ Create tokens using JSON Web Token (jwt) to do Authorization along Authentication
    _ Create middlewares like auth for authorization, admin for checking if the user is an admin, to combine with different type of APIs
    _ Create APIs using Express-Async-Handler with Mongoose Model
    _ Testing APIs using POSTMAN
    _ Returning just enough data in each APIs like a good back-end engineer
    _ Implementing reset password functions using nodemailer
    _ Writting code with comments (Example) :
    //?   PUT update order.isPaid to true
    //?   /api/orders/:id
    //?   Private Route
    const updateOrderIsPaidStatus = AsyncHandler(async (req, res) => {
      const { id } = req.params;
      const fetchedOrder = await Order.findById(id);
      if (fetchedOrder) {
        fetchedOrder.isPaid = true;
        fetchedOrder.paidAt =;
        fetchedOrder.paymentResult = {
            status: req.body.status,
            update_time: req.body.update_time,
            email_address: req.body.payer.email_address
        const updatedOrder = await; 
      } else {    
        throw new Error('Can\'t find the Order, please try again');


Biggest MERN Project of My Portfolio that I have been building over 200 commits. I have browsed through real retailer websites online and implement features on their websites.







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