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This is the repo for node-heatmap, a node module that uses node-png to render time-based heatmaps. This isn't to be confused with @substack's module of the same name. This component is used to build Joyent's cloud analytics facility, now a part of SmartDataCenter.


The API is documented inline and is reproduced here; these two sources of documentation should be kept in sync.

bucketize(data, conf)

bucketize() processes data into buckets, and is the first stage in generating a heatmap. The function takes two arguments: an array (or object -- see below) representing the data (data), and an object denoting the configuration parameters of the bucketization (conf). The data is a series of ranges and values associated with those ranges. These ranges need not be uniform and may be sparse (or even overlapping); the data will be bucketized across the specified number of (evenly distributed) buckets. Where ranges don't line up precisely with a bucket, the corresponding value will be fractionally mapped to those buckets with which the range overlaps, with a weight of overlap. (That is, the bucketization will effectively assume a linear distribution within the range.) The output of bucketize() is a map, which we define to be an array of bucket arrays, where each element denotes a sample, and each bucket array denotes the bucketized data for that sample.

data is expected to be a series where each data point is an array of two-tuples where each consists of a two-tuple range and a value. This series may be expressed as an array, e.g.:

         [ [ 0, 9 ], 20 ],
         [ [ 10, 19 ], 4 ],
     ], [
         [ [ 10, 19 ], 12 ],

Alternatively, the series may also be expressed an object in which each member is the number of sample:

     20: [
         [ [ 0, 9 ], 20 ],
         [ [ 10, 19 ], 4 ],
     ], 22: [
         [ [ 10, 19 ], 12 ],

In this representation, conf must have base and nsamples members to denote the desired range, and may also have step to denote the size of each sample; see below.

The conf object describes configuration information and must contain the following members:

  • nbuckets: The number of buckets for bucketization

If the object data representation is used (as opposed to the array representation), the conf object must contain two additional members:

  • base: The index of the lowest sample in data to be processed.

  • nsamples: The number of samples to be processed.

conf has the following optional members:

  • min: The minimum value to represent. If the minimum is not specified, it is assumed to be 0.

  • max: The maximum value to represent. The buckets will span a range of [ min, max ). If the max is not specified, it will be dynamically determined -- and the result will be set in conf.

  • step: The distance between consecutive samples (only applicable for the object data representation).

  • weighbyrange: A boolean that, if true, denotes that values should be weighed by their range.

deduct (total, deduct)

deduct() subtracts the values of one map (deduct) from another (total). (See bucketize() for the definition of a map.) It is expected (and is asserted) that both maps have been bucketized the same way, and that deducting deduct from total will result in no negative values.

normalize (maps, conf)

normalize() takes a map or an array of maps (see bucketize() for the definition of a map), and modifies the data such that the values range from 0 to 1. The mechanism for normalization is specified via the conf parameter, which may have the following optional members:

  • rank: Boolean that denotes that normalization should be based on a values rank among all values in the map: values will be sorted and then assigned the value of their rank divided by the number of values.

  • linear: Boolean that denotes that normalization should be linear with respect to value: values will be normalized by dividing by the maximum value.

If conf is not present or does not have a normalization mechanism set, normalize() will operate as if conf were set to { rank: true }.

generate (data, conf)

generate() takes normalized data (that is the output of normalize() and returns a heatmap as a PNG (that is, a libpng.Png() object) as specified by the configuration parameter, conf. data may either be a map (see bucketize()) or an array of maps which are to be rendered on the same heatmap. Either way, data must be normalized: all values are expected to be between 0 and 1. * conf must have the following members:

  • height: Height of PNG, in pixels.

  • width: Width of PNG, in pixels.

  • hue: The hue (in degrees) to be used in coloring the heatmap. If data is a map, this is a scalar between 0 and 360; if data is an array of maps, this is an array of hues to be used with the corresponding map.

  • saturation: A two-tuple that denotes a saturation range to be used to determine the coloring of the heatmap: the saturation of a given point will be determined by using the value to index into this range. Each value in the range should be a saturation value between 0 and 1. There is only a single saturation range, even if the heatmap is generated out of many maps.

  • value: The value to be used to color the heatmap. The value component of color does not vary across the heatmap. (Note that this is value in the HSV sense; it should not be confused with the normalized value that corresponds to a given bucket within a given sample.)

conf may have the following members:

  • base: The index of the zeroth sample in data. This is used to assure that samples that consume fractions of pixels always consume a constant for a given sample, regardless of the X offset of the sample within the heatmap.

samplerange (x, y, conf)

Returns a 2-tuple that consists of a sample number and a range for the given configuration.

distribution (map, conf)

Takes a non-normalized map, and returns the bucket distribution across the entire map.

average (map, conf)

Takes a non-normalized map, and returns the average for each sample in the map (as a vector).

percentile (map, conf)

Takes a non-normalized map and a percentile target in the range [0, 1], and returns for each sample the estimated y-axis value representing the Nth percentile data point. The result is a vector of these points.


A series of examples can be found in the examples directory.


Time series heatmaps for node.js







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