Releases: TrueWill/embracer
Update to React 18
This is primarily updating dependencies.
Breaking change: Internet Explorer is no longer supported. That browser reached end-of-life on June 15, 2022.
React Testing Library is now used for tests.
Redux DevTools is still enabled but is no longer installed by default; please use the browser extension if you want that.
Update dependencies
- Upgrade Redux and related libs
- Upgrade enzyme-adapter
- Minor upgrade to react-select
- Upgrade jspdf to v2.4
- Move react-scripts to devDependencies
- Regenerate lockfile
This fixes some issues; I'm still getting Dependabot security warnings. Unfortunately a lot of those are based on create-react-app, and I'm on the latest version. I moved that to non-runtime dependencies in an attempt to mitigate this. Switching to something else would be time-consuming.
Upgrade dependencies
Fix a security issue by upgrading most dependencies - React, Redux, react-select, classnames, etc.
Upgrade dependencies
Upgrade react-scripts, react-select, jspdf, Redux DevTools, and transitive dependencies.
Use React Strict Mode for the entire app.
Update package lockfile
One of the sub-dependencies had a vulnerability.
Update dependencies
Update react-scripts, react-redux, react-select, jspdf, and enzyme-adapter.
Regenerate lockfile.
Update to React 17
v0.14.3 Merge branch 'react-17'
Security patch
Update dependencies to the latest versions to prevent vulnerabilities.
Major update of jspdf to v2.
Security patch
Automated patch of transitive dependency.