An all-in-one library that dedicated to provide more functions mostly focus on game development (and dumb things).
This library is mostly used for my personal stuffs, and I updated this library very frequently. I constantly added many functions and deleted many things without warning during Alpha version. Basically this library is a collections of functions.
- Test coverage? (Too lazy... There are too many functions...)
- A website to introduce this library and other things like geting started, documentation, example,...
Version 0.29a (Alpha version)
Documentation (may not update to lastest version) (0.26a)
You can generate document yourself by using JSDoc.
Over 250 functions that you can use right now
Simple to add by copy
<script type="text/javascript" src="funch.js"></script>
Medium-sized ? (43.2 KB compressed using UglifyJS2)
Easy to copy and paste any function you like to use without include whole library (I'm sad :( )
No additional objects or classes (except Geometry and Tween obviously for exporting functions)
No dependencies
Extendable with plugins
//Require funch.js v0.29a
(function(root, global) {
root = root.bind(this, global);
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(["funch"], function(Funch) {
} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
module.exports = root;
//Example usage in node (there's no way to automate this, sory :():
//let funch = require(funch)
//let funch_extend = require(funch_extend)
} else {
})(function (global, local, main) {
let Math_QTR_PI = Math.HALF_PI / 2;
//Array to export function
return [
"M", "QRT_PI", Math_QRT_PI
typeof self !== "undefined" ? self :
typeof window !== "undefined" ? window :
typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : this
- Optimized some functions and added new features
- Fixed some nasty bugs
If a function depends on another functions, try to use funch.js provided functions if it had, else ask me if that function can be generalized...
This is my first library. There maybe some bad coding practice in the codebase :(
I am very inexperienced in Node and modules related stuff, any helps really appreciated :D
Also I am still don't know how to use git and github properly yet...