Simply realtime chia log analyzer
- Download binary from the releases assets (chia-log-analyzer.go-linux-amd64 )
- You must set log level in your chia
to level: INFO
Set binary as executable:
chmod +x chia-log-analyzer.go-linux-amd64
Run executable with path do debug.log:
./chia-log-analyzer.go-linux-amd64 --log=/path/to/debug.log
Or simply copy binary file to the directory with logs and run without parameters
- Download binary from the releases assets (chia-log-analyzer.go-windows-amd64-signed.exe )
- You must set log level in your chia
to level: INFO
Simply copy exe file to the directory with logs (
) and runchia-log-analyzer.go-windows-amd64-signed.exe
Or run executable with path do debug.log:
chia-log-analyzer.go-windows-amd64-signed.exe --log=:\Users\<CurrentUserName>\.chia\mainnet\log\debug.log
Automatically trying to load debug.log from these locations:
- ./debug.log (actual directory)
- get log path from the parameter "--log"
- ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log (default directory in home dir)
- monitoring of chia debug.log file
- simply show basic info about farming
- automatic refresh every 5s
- Linux (tested on Ubuntu) - download binary: chia-log-analyzer.go-linux-amd64
- RPI4 (use linux-arm builds) - download binary: chia-log-analyzer.go-linux-arm
- Windows10 - download binary: chia-log-analyzer.go-windows-amd64-signed.exe
- q - exit
You can contact me on reddit or open new issue on github.
Thank you...
Chia coins (XCH) - xch16agqsnzhrf55x0f4f7y8k0kq9xz6rvh99nfd86cc3lnse8kgn5qs5y6ywn
Bitcoin - 3GvUQUPPbp396jYoZsAMktgg5XWE9g6con