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Use the Box API to manage files in Box Title: Send Logs
Author: Henry Steele - Library Technology Services - Tufts University
Date: February 2019
- A Box developer's account for your institution
- Box app in dev console, with public and private key
- Box admin to approve app
- a folder you want to write to in Box. Could be a shared folder
- config (public and private key)
- see word document for how to set this up
1 - Create Box admin user:
Only need to run this script once to set up user.
Edit script:
change the parameters in the commented sections below
- add a username for the Box Dev app user. This can be the same as the app name from the Box dev console
- Before you run this the first time, you can install the requirements by running the following pip command:
- pip install –r requirements.txt
- 1st argument to command is the location of the JSON config file from the Box app. You would have downloaded this from the Box dev console within your app
- python <config/config.json>
- outputs credentials for non-human user that can write and
- read on behalf of your Box developer app
2-send files
Edit script:
change the parameters in the commented sections below
- add user ID for non-human Box API user created with
- add target folder ID from Box for folder you're writing to
- 1st argument to command: file you want to send to Box, with relative path
- 2nd argument to command: path of config file containing public and private key
- python input/input.out config/config.json
- A Box developer's account for your institution
- Box app in dev console, with public and private key
- Box admin to approve app
- a folder you want to write to in Box. Could be a shared folder
- config file with public and private key from your app in Box developer cons (public and private key)
- user ID of the non-human app user created in
- target Box folderID, to which the user created in has been added as an editor or collaborator. Add user by email.
- Target folder ID is the end of the URL when you are inside that folder in the Box interface
CRON and shell script:
I've provided an example of a shell script you can wrap the (second) Python script in, so this can be invoked with a CRON job, although this setup is beyond the scope of this document.
- input file writes to specified Box directory
- see comments in code below to enter folder ID of this folder
- see comments in code below to enter folder ID of this folder