- slides, docs, etc, in shared google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RxiAF65TxsQQYNlToQf0eLN43lpVKUC6?usp=sharing
- slack communication team: https://5gopt.slack.com/
- python manage.py runserver
| instructions_For_install_MongoCXXDriver.txt | how to install mongo cxx driver to implement communication between ns3 controller and mongoDB | | media/ | folder for domination map which is dynamically generated in backend and updates when new documents add in mongo | installShell.sh | script for automatically set up the development environment(not finish) |
- db.createUser({user:"", pwd:"****", roles:[{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase", db:"admin"}]})
- use newDatabase
- mongoimport --db 5gopt --collection normal --type csv --file ~/code/data/normal_800m.csv --headerline --ignoreBlanks
- mongoimport --db 5gopt --collection main_file_with_UserTHR --type csv --file ~/Downloads/main_file_with_UserTHR.csv --fields "Time,LocationX,LocationY,UserID,CellID,RSRP,RSRQ,SINR,UserThR" --ignoreBlanks
- mongoexport --db 5gopt --collection normal --out traffic.json
install mongo c driver and mongo cxx driver to implment communication between ns-allinone-3.26 and mongo v2.6.12
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local ..
- mongorestore -d db_name -c collection_name path/file.bson
- ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c normal /home/tupevarj/Downloads/normal.bson
- ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c controlpanel /home/tupevarj/Downloads/controlpanel.bson
- ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c outage /home/tupevarj/Downloads/outage.bson
- ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c event_log /home/tupevarj/Downloads/event_log.bson
- ./mongorestore -d 5gopt -c main_file_with_UserTHR /home/tupevarj/Downloads/main_file_with_UserTHR.bson
| libraries | version | command to install | | python | 3.6.3 | anaconda 3 | | mongo | 2.6.12 | ......... | | django | 1.11.7 | [pip install Django==1.11.7] | | MongoDB shell version | 2.6.12 | ..... | | pymongo | 3.5.1 | [pip install pymongo==3.1.1] | | OS | RHEL 7 | ...... | | pycharm | 2017.2.4 | ... |
| Database name | 5gopt | | DB user name | ... | | DB password | ... |
- MongoDB C Driver 1.9.0 [http://mongoc.org/libmongoc/current/index.html]
- MongoDB C++ Driver manual [https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-cxx-driver/]
- PyMongo 3.6.0 Documentation [https://api.mongodb.com/python/current/]
- MongoEngine Documentation [http://docs.mongoengine.org/]
Display in Front End | Data in MongoDB |
unnormal cell detection table | Fake data in Backend not from Mongo |
Domination Map | dominationmap |
throughput line graph | main_file_with_UserTHR |
Collection schemas
dominationmap | x | y | z | sinr |
Demo | -250 | -250 | 1.5 | 1.45 |
main_file_with_UserTHR | Time | UserThR | LocationX | UserID | CellID | RSRP | RSRQ | SINR | LocationY |
Demo | 0.2 | NaN | 948 | 1 | 1 | -113 | NaN | NaN | 1429 |
event_log | "TIME" | "X" | "S" | "IMSI" | A2 RSRQ Enter | RSRQ | CellID |
Demo | 8 | 964 | 423 | 19 | -9.315 | 14 |
handover_log | "TIME" | "X" | "Y" | "IMSI" | EVENT | "CellID" |
Demo | 12.26 | 449 | 449 | 20 | "Handover End OK" | 11 |
normal(outage) | Time | UeNodeNo | UeRNTI | RSRP | Serving_Cell | RSRQ | Cell_ID |
Demo | 0,2 | 21 | 0 | -89,9397 | 0 | -nan | 20 |
controlpanel | cellID | normal | outage | coc | cco | mro | mlb | dirty_flag |
Demo | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- ns-3.26>$ ./waf --run="CSONDemo --simTime=5 --ns3::LteHelper::HandoverAlgorithm=ns3::A3RsrpHandoverAlgorithm"
- set up Apache when it's ready to deploy Django in production.
- preprocessing the data, which the final table schema should be like the following:
Time | User | LocationX | LocationY | RSRP_1st | 1stRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ | RSRP_2nd | 2ndRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ | RSRP_3rd | 3rdRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ | RSRP_4th | 4thRSRP_Corresponding_RSRQ | Serving Cell |
0.2 | 1 | .. | .. | .. | .. | |||||||
0.2 | 2 | .. | ||||||||||
0.2 | .. | .. | ||||||||||
0.4 | 1 | .. | .. | |||||||||
0.4 | 2 | .. | .. | |||||||||
Explaination | ||||||||||||
Serving Cell: pick the cell number which its rsrp value is the biggest, therefore, pick the rsrp_1st corresponding cell | ||||||||||||
calculate all users at specific time point, then for the next time point, repeat the above process. | ||||||||||||
the final data schema should be following: |