A Twitch Auto Slow Mode bot as chat flood protection.
IRC Token generation (IRC_OAUTH_TOKEN): https://www.twitchapps.com/tmi/
Setup: Add your twitch credentials in a textfile, structured like "login_data.txt".
Install: pip install --user -r requirements.txt
Configuration: This bot is default configured. You can use your custom configuration in following lines in bot.py:
def __init__(...):
# check flood period
self.flood_check_intervall_in_seconds = 5
# limit of messages while period "self.flood_check_intervall_in_seconds"
self.flood_limit = 20
# protection will be activated by counter 0
self.flood_activation_counter = 3
# deactivate slowmode after this period
self.flood_protection_timeout_in_seconds = 30
Usage: py -m twitch_auto_slowmode_bot.main login_data.txt