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Native LuaSnip snippets. Inspired by Jetbrain's IDEs.

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LuaSnip Snippets

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A collection of snippets for various programming language. Some snippets are highly inspired by Jetbrain's IDEs.

📦 Installation

  dependencies = { "L3MON4D3/LuaSnip" },
  event = { "InsertEnter" },
  config = function()
    -- register all snippets into LuaSnip

autosnippet feature should be enabled in LuaSnip.

local ls = require('luasnip')
  enable_autosnippets = true,

⚙️ Configuration

Config Example:

---@type LSSnippets.Config
  user = {
    -- user's name, used in todo-related snippets now
    name = nil,
  snippet = {
    lua = {
      -- enable neovim related snippets in lua
      vim_snippet = false,
    cpp = {
      quick_type = {
        -- use `std::unordered_map` instead of `absl::flat_hash_map`
        extra_trig = {
          { trig = 'm', params = 2, template = 'std::unordered_map<%s, %s>' }
    rust = {
      -- add `#[rstest]` to test function's attribute choices, if the test mod has already use `rstest` directly
      rstest_support = false,
  disable_auto_expansion = {
    -- disable these snippets' auto expansion
    cpp = { "i32", "i64" },
  disable_langs = {
    -- disable these language's snippets
    -- "dart"



Normal Snippets

Trig Desc
todo Expand to linewise TODO comment
fixme Expand to linewise FIXME comment
note Expand to linewise NOTE comment

Snippets with * are available only when vim_snippet is enabled.

Normal Snippets

Trig Desc Context Required
fn Expands to function definition. No
req Expands to require(...) statement. No
ifn* Expand to vim.F.if_nil(...) expresstion. No

Postfix Snippets

] @any_expr
] @index_expr
Trig Desc (placehoder: ?) Expr before cursor
.ipairs Expands to ipairs(?) for-loop. any_expr
.pairs Expands to pairs(?) for-loop. any_expr
.isnil Expands to if ? == nil then statement. any_expr
.tget* Expands to vim.tbl_get(...) expression. index_expr


Trig Desc Context Required Could Disable AutoExpansion
#i Expands to require(...) statement with type hinting. No No

Normal Snippets

Trig Desc Context Required
fn Expands to lambda function in argument list or function body, otherwise expand to normal function. No
|trans Expands to ranges::views::transform pipe. No
|filter Expands to ranges::views::filter pipe. No
cpo Expands to customize point object. No
ns%s(%S+) Expands to namespace block (including comments). No
itf Expands to a struct with default virtual destruction. No
pvf Expands to a pure virtual function declaration. No


Trig Desc Context Required Could Disable AutoExpansion
ctor! Expands to default constructor. In Class No
dtor! Expands to default destructor. In Class No
cc! Expands to default copy constructor. In Class No
mv! Expands to default move constructor. In Class No
ncc! Expands to delete copy constructor. In Class No
nmv! Expands to delete move constructor. In Class No
ncm! Expands to delete copy and move constructor. In Class No
once Expands to pragma once marker at the front of the file. All lines before are comments Yes
u8 Expands to uint8_t. No Yes
u16 Expands to uint16_t. No Yes
u32 Expands to uint32_t. No Yes
u64 Expands to uint64_t. No Yes
i8 Expands to int8_t. No Yes
i16 Expands to int16_t. No Yes
i32 Expands to int32_t. No Yes
i64 Expands to int64_t. No Yes
t(%s)! Evaluates (QET) marker, and expand to typename. No No
#" Expands to include statement with quotes. #include "". No Yes
#< Expands to include statement with <>. #include <>. No Yes
Quick Expand Type markers
Marker Expand Type Parameter
v std::vector 1
i int32_t 0
u uint32_t 0
s std::string 0
m absl::flat_hash_map 2
t std::tuple *


tvi! -> std::vector<int32_t>
tmss! -> absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::string>

Postfix Snippets

] @indent

] @any_expr
Trig Desc (placehoder: ?) Expr before cursor
.be Expands to begin and end exprs. any_expr
.cbe Expands to cbegin and cend exprs. any_expr
.mv Wraps with std::move(?). any_expr
.fwd Wraps with std::forward<decltype(?)>(?). any_expr
.val Wraps with std::declval<?>(). any_expr
.dt Wraps with decltype(?). any_expr
.uu Wraps with (void)?. any_expr
.ts Switches indent's coding style between CamelCase and snake_case. indent
.sc Wraps with static_cast<>(?). any_expr
.single Wraps with ranges::views::single(?). any_expr
.await Expands to co_await ?. any_expr
.in Expands to if (...find) statements. any_expr

Normal Snippets

Trig Desc Context Required
fn Expands to lambda function in argument list or function body, otherwise expand to normal function. No
pc Expands to pub(crate). No
ps Expands to pub(super). No
ii Expands to #[inline]. No
ia Expands to #[inline(always)]. No
tfn Expands to a test function. #[test] or #[tokio::test] supported. With snippet.rust.rstest_support enabled, #[rstest] also supported. No
pm Expands to a public method definition. In impl block

Postfix Snippets

] @expr


] @expr_or_type
Trig Desc (placehoder: ?) Expr before cursor
.rc Wraps with Rc::new(?) if expr, Rc<?> if type. expr_or_type
.arc Wraps with Arc::new(?) if expr, Arc<?> if type. expr_or_type
.box Wraps with Box::new(?) if expr, Box<?> if type. expr_or_type
.mu Wraps with Mutex::new(?) if expr, Mutex<?> if type. expr_or_type
.rw Wraps with RwLock::new(?) if expr, RwLock<?> if type. expr_or_type
.cell Wraps with Cell::new(?) if expr, Cell<?> if type. expr_or_type
.refcell Wraps with RefCell::new(?) if expr, RefCell<?> if type. expr_or_type
.ref Wraps with &?. expr_or_type
.refm Wraps with &mut ?. expr_or_type
.ok Wraps with Ok(?). expr
.err Wraps with Err(?). expr
.some Wraps with Some(?). expr
.println Wraps with println!("{:?}", ?). expr
.match Wraps with match ? {}. expr

Normal Snippets

Trig Desc Context Required
fn Expands to function definition. No
wfn Expands to function definition returns a widget. No
afn Expands to an async function definition. No


Trig Desc Context Required
ctor! Expands to class constructor function. In Class
js! Expands to json-related methods. In Class
init! Expands to initState override function. No
dis! Expands to dispose override function. No
for! Expands to for-loop. No
sfw! Expands to StatefulWidget class. No
slw! Expands to StatelessWidget class. No

Normal Snippets

Trig Desc Context Required
@module Expands to a nix module declare. No

Postfix Snippets

] @identifier
  expression: (_) @expr
] @binding
Trig Desc (placehoder: ?) Expr before cursor
.on Expands to enable option statement. identifier
.split Expands bindings to full attrset style. binding