Homeworks of the Unsupervised-learning class from ENS Paris-Saclay
- Projet 1/project1-cachan17.pdf
- Projet 2/project2-cachan17.pdf
- clone the repository on your computer
- open an Anaconda command prompt
- browse to the working directory:
cd path/to/your/directory/Projet 1/
- launch the jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook UN_LEARNING_BUSA.ipynb
- run each cells using shift + enter
- Project 1: (done with Rémi LESPINET)
- run preprocess_data.ipynb to preprocess the data (build data horror_mat.npy, horror_romance_mat.npy, romance_mat.npy)
- run UN_LEARNING_BUSA.ipynb
- Project 2: (done with Steeve VU and Rémi LESPINET)
- run TP2_BUSA_Victor.ipynb
The final reports are under the folder "report".