Library for displaying a customizable context menu on right-click mouse button
- FontAwesome (Included by bower)
- Node
Declare icons and labels for contextual menu options
var mlist = {
"arrow-circle-left": "Atrás",
"undo": "Deshacer",
"refresh": "Recargar",
"question-circle": "Ayuda",
"close": "Cerrar"
Note that "mlist" is a dictionary which Key is the name of the icon (font-awesome library) and Value is the label of the option.
You need to declare also the context menu actions for each button like this:
var mlinks = Array(
"alert('Seleccionada la opción atrás')",
"alert('Seleccionada la opción Deshacer')",
"alert('Seleccionada la opción Recargar')",
"alert('Seleccionada la opción Ayuda')",
"alert('Seleccionada la opción Cerrar')"
Finally only need to instantiate the ContextMenu object like:
var cm = new ContextualMenu(mlist, mlinks);
You can run test suite by running: karma start karma.conf.js