This repository will help you get started with Tyk deployment in Kubernetes and allow you to leverage OSS tools such as Prometheus, Jaeger for monitoring and Keycloak for managing API authentication and authorization in k8s using OAuth2.0
You can find instructions on how to run this on Minikube here.
Choose between single cluster all-in-one deployment model or distributed deployment model.
Make sure you have the Tyk Dashboard license key ready and replace "<REPLACE_WITH_LICENSE>" with it in the command below.
Create secret with Tyk credentials:
kubectl create namespace tyk
kubectl create secret generic tyk-conf --namespace=tyk \
--from-literal=APISecret=CHANGEME \
--from-literal=AdminSecret=12345 \
--from-literal=DashLicense=<REPLACE_WITH_LICENSE> \
Install Tyk using ArgoCD Application CRDs
kubectl apply -f apps/dependencies
kubectl apply -f apps/observability
kubectl apply -f apps/security
kubectl apply -f apps/main/tyk-stack.yaml
You can expose the Tyk Dashboard and Gateway to your localhost using the following command:
kubectl port-forward svc/gateway-svc-tyk-gateway --namespace tyk 8080 &
kubectl port-forward svc/dashboard-svc-tyk-dashboard --namespace tyk 3000 &
You can check the state of the Tyk gateway using the following curl
curl localhost:8080/hello
You can access Tyk Dashboard here:
Default admin login is "" / "topsecretpassword". It can be changed in the ArgoCD app manifest.
Please follow the instructions here to install a distributed Tyk deployment.
Examples folder contains yaml files for deployments, API configuration and traffic generation k6 scripts. Checkout the docs folder to find out more about what each of these examples contain.
kubectl apply -R -f examples/