This project implements a player for multiple related games.
- Maverick Chung
- Mariusz Derezinski-Choo
- Sarah Gregorich
- Tyler Jang
- Andrew Krier
Start Date: 3/29/20
Finish Date: 4/25/20
Hours Spent: 450
- Mariusz: Organized the different view scenes and stages, creating a pipeline for loading and saving files.
- Sarah: Organized the styling and languages for the games, creating a pipeline for languages and cell information.
- Andrew: Designed XML regex and managed interactions between the frontend and backend.
- Tyler: Designed factories to parse and write XMLs so that the phase machine could be executed at runtime.
- Maverick: Designed the interactions of cells, decks, and cards with each other with a watertight backend interface.
XSD Formatting XML Validation in Java XML Reading in Java TestFX in Java More TestFX in Java Error Printing in Java
Main class: has a main() method to create a Controller instance to launch the application.
Data files needed:
- Rules for a game should be in data/ (of the form gamename/gamename_rules.xml)
- Layouts for a game should be in data/ (of the form gamename/gamename_layout.xml)
- default_score_orig.xml and default_style_orig.xml should be in data/
- layout_schema.xsd, rules_schema.xsd, save_schema.xsd, score_schema.xsd, and style_schema.xsd must be in src/oorga/data/factories/schemas
- languages files for messages and game names must be in src/ooga/resources/languages/messages and src/ooga/resources/languages/games, respectively and must be specified in src/ooga/resources/languages/
- the card skins must be in src/ooga/resources/decks/standard/classic/
- the background skins must be in src/ooga/resources/skins/ as specified by theme and designated accordingly in the file Relevant properties files for parsing XML files must be in src/ooga/resources/
Features implemented:
- Games: Solitaire, Memory, War, 52 Pick Up, and Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Top 50 High Scores saved locally and tracked across runs
- Multiple customizable themes that apply to all games, providing a variety of color palettes
- Saving of games to XML files
- Loading of games from XML files
- Pop-up instructions in your language for each game
- Support for different languages
- Extensible rules support with configuration detailed here: Rules documentation
Assumptions or Simplifications:
- XML Files must match the format specified in the .xsd files and must follow the specifications in the Rules documentation.
- If an critically invalid move or a control flow error occurs, a message will be displayed to the user.
- Cells should not have empty decks whenever possible.
- The user should be running a computer with at least 2 GB of RAM.
- The rules that a game is based on should not change between the time of saving and the time of loading.
- Game names should be lowercase.
Interesting data files:
- data/solitaire/solitaire_rules_static_2.xml holds a solitaire game near victory
- data/solitaire/solitaire_rules_static_3.xml throws an xsd error because the layout file is not specified
- data/solitaire/solitaire_rules_static_4.xml throws an xml error during runtime because an invalid phase name is specified
Known Bugs:
- XML regex must be set specifically in order to produce the desired cell behavior. Cells must not be left empty.
Extra credit:
- A tribute to our professor
- The potential to implement "any turn-based card game"
This project covers a wide range of technologies, including XML Writing/Reading/Validating, Functional Interfaces, encapsulation, double-linked treemaps, resource binding, and css customization.
In this manner, the program serves as a creative and properly challenging capstone for the course.
In the future, we'd like to be able to extend our game to implement:
- basic gambling/betting
- checkers
- chess
- other cards/types of card games
- functionally hidden multiplayer-based play