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Tyratox committed Jul 28, 2021
0 parents commit 74e14b0
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Showing 20 changed files with 8,974 additions and 0 deletions.
190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions release/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
import argparse
import random
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

asymptotic_order = ["baseline", "2l", "4l", "8l",
"baseline-n", "2n", "4n", "8n",
"baseline-c", "2c", "4c", "8c"]

def index_to_key(idx):
if "trigger" in idx[0] or "release" in idx[0]:
# don't apply the function on the first level
return idx


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='The measurement csv', required=True)
help='The output directory', required=True)
# parser.add_argument( '--yscale', help='The scale of the y-axis. Default: linear')

args = parser.parse_args()

measurements = args.measurements
output = args.output
# yscale = args.yscale

df = pd.read_csv(measurements, sep=";", quotechar='"', skipinitialspace=True)

# df.drop(['rewritten real time', 'native real time',
# 'rewritten sys time', 'native sys time'], axis=1)

baseline_df2 = df[df['asymptotic'] == 'baseline'].copy()
baseline_df3 = baseline_df2.copy()
baseline_df2.loc[:, 'asymptotic'] = "baseline-n"
baseline_df3.loc[:, 'asymptotic'] = "baseline-c"

df = df.append(baseline_df2, ignore_index=True).append(
baseline_df3, ignore_index=True)

experiments = pd.unique(df.sort_values(by=['experiment']).experiment)
asymptotics = pd.unique(df.sort_values(by=['asymptotic']).asymptotic)

df = df.groupby(['experiment', 'asymptotic']).agg({
'rewritten meval time': ['mean', 'std']

"text.usetex": True
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 4)

def map_label(s):
if s.endswith("l"):
return r'$' + s.replace("l", r'l') + r'$'
elif s.endswith("n"):
return r'$' + s.replace("n", r'n') + r'$'
elif s.endswith("c"):
return r'$' + s.replace("c", r'\left( l \cdot n \right)') + r'$'
return s

for experiment_name in experiments:
exp = df.loc[[(experiment_name, a) for a in asymptotics]]
exp = exp.sort_index(ascending=[True, True],
sort_remaining=False, key=index_to_key)

labels = [a for e, a in exp.index]

baseline1Index = labels.index("baseline")
baseline2Index = labels.index("baseline-n")
baseline3Index = labels.index("baseline-c")

lExps = baseline2Index
nExps = baseline3Index - baseline2Index
cExps = len(labels) - baseline3Index

x_l = np.array(list(range(lExps)))
x_n = np.array(list(range(nExps)))
x_c = np.array(list(range(cExps)))

# native_means = df['native real time']['mean'].to_numpy()
rewritten_meval_means = exp['rewritten meval time']['mean'].to_numpy()

# native_stds = df['native real time']['std'].to_numpy()
rewritten_meval_stds = exp['rewritten meval time']['std'].to_numpy()

A_l = np.vstack([x_l, np.ones(len(x_l))]).T
a_l, b_l = np.linalg.lstsq(
A_l, rewritten_meval_means[0:baseline2Index], rcond=None)[0]

A_n = np.vstack([x_n, np.ones(len(x_n))]).T
a_n, b_n = np.linalg.lstsq(
A_n, rewritten_meval_means[baseline2Index:baseline3Index], rcond=None)[0]

A_c = np.vstack([x_c, np.ones(len(x_c))]).T
a_c, b_c = np.linalg.lstsq(
A_c, rewritten_meval_means[baseline3Index:], rcond=None)[0]

linearFunctionX_l = np.linspace(0, baseline2Index-1, 100)
linearFunctionY_l = a_l * linearFunctionX_l + b_l # start at x = 0, a * x + b

linearFunctionX_n = np.linspace(0, baseline3Index-baseline2Index-1, 100)
# start at x = baseline2Index, a * x + b
linearFunctionY_n = a_n * (linearFunctionX_n) + b_n

linearFunctionX_c = np.linspace(0, len(labels)-baseline3Index-1, 100)
# start at x = baseline3Index, a * x + b
linearFunctionY_c = a_c * (linearFunctionX_c) + b_c

B_c = np.vstack([x_c*x_c, x_c, np.ones(len(x_c))]).T
m_c, p_c, q_c = np.linalg.lstsq(
B_c, rewritten_meval_means[baseline3Index:], rcond=None)[0]

quadraticFunctionX_c = np.linspace(0, len(labels)-baseline3Index-1, 100)
quadraticFunctionY_c = m_c * ((quadraticFunctionX_c) ** 2) + p_c * (quadraticFunctionX_c) + \
q_c # start at x = 2, a * x^2 + b * x + c

# the label locations
x1 = np.arange(baseline2Index)
x2 = np.arange(baseline3Index - baseline2Index)
x3 = np.arange(len(labels) - baseline3Index)

# the width of the bars
width = 0.35

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
# rects_native = + width/2, native_means, width,
# label='native', yerr=native_stds, ecolor='black', capsize=2, color='#e67e22'), rewritten_meval_means[0:baseline2Index], width, label='meval', yerr=rewritten_meval_stds[0:baseline2Index],
ecolor='black', capsize=2, color='tab:orange') # , color='#d35400'

ax1.plot(linearFunctionX_l, linearFunctionY_l, 'black', linestyle='solid')
custom_lines1 = [Line2D([0], [0], color="black", lw=1, linestyle='solid')]
ax1.legend(custom_lines1, [
str(round(a_l, 1)) + r'$\: \cdot \: x \: ' +
(r'+' if b_l >= 0 else r'-') + str(round(abs(b_l), 1)) + r'$'])

["baseline" if ("baseline" in a) else map_label(a) for a in labels[0:baseline2Index]]), rewritten_meval_means[baseline2Index:baseline3Index], width, label='meval', yerr=rewritten_meval_stds[baseline2Index:baseline3Index],
ecolor='black', capsize=2, color='tab:orange') # , color='#d35400'

ax2.plot(linearFunctionX_n, linearFunctionY_n, 'black', linestyle='dashed')
custom_lines2 = [Line2D([0], [0], color="black", lw=1, linestyle='dashed')]
ax2.legend(custom_lines1, [
str(round(a_n, 1)) + r'$ \: \cdot \: x \:' +
(r'+' if b_n >= 0 else r'-') + str(round(abs(b_n), 1)) + r'$'])
["baseline" if ("baseline" in a) else map_label(a) for a in labels[baseline2Index:baseline3Index]]), rewritten_meval_means[baseline3Index:], width, label='meval', yerr=rewritten_meval_stds[baseline3Index:],
ecolor='black', capsize=2, color='tab:orange') # , color='#d35400'

ax3.plot(linearFunctionX_c, linearFunctionY_c, 'black', linestyle='dotted')
ax3.plot(quadraticFunctionX_c, quadraticFunctionY_c,
'silver', linestyle='dotted')
custom_lines3 = [Line2D([0], [0], color="black", lw=1, linestyle='dotted'),
Line2D([0], [0], color="silver", lw=1, linestyle='dotted')]
ax3.legend(custom_lines3, [
str(round(a_c, 1)) + r'$ \: \cdot \: x \:' +
(r'+' if b_c >= 0 else r'-') + str(round(abs(b_c), 1)) + r'$',
str(round(m_c, 1)) + r'$ \: \cdot \: x^2 \:' +
(r'+' if p_c >= 0 else r'-') + str(round(abs(p_c), 1)) + r'\cdot x' +
(r'+' if q_c >= 0 else r'-') + str(round(abs(q_c), 1)) + r'$',
], loc='upper left')
["baseline" if ("baseline" in a) else map_label(a) for a in labels[baseline3Index:]])


plt.savefig(os.path.join(output, f'{experiment_name}.png'), dpi=300)
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions release/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import argparse
import os

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='The output directory', required=True)
help='The 1x log length (Default: 100)')
help='The 1x number of tuples (Default: 100)')
parser.add_argument('--intervals', nargs='+',
help='The intervals used, separated by spaces. (Default: ["[0,b]", "[a,b]"]:')
parser.add_argument('--asymptotics', nargs='+',
help='The asymptotic values used, separated by spaces. (Default: ["2n", "2l", "2c", "4n", "4l", "4c", "8n", "8l", "8c"])')
#parser.add_argument( '--yscale', help='The scale of the y-axis. Default: linear')

args = parser.parse_args()

output_dir = args.output
base_length = args.length or 10 ** 2
base_n = args.n or 10 ** 2
intervals = args.intervals or ["[0,b]", "[a,b]"]
asymptotics = args.asymptotics or [
"2n", "2l", "2c", "4n", "4l", "4c", "8n", "8l", "8c"]

base_length = int(base_length)
base_n = int(base_n)

def gen_int(interval, length, interval_size):
if interval == "[a,b]":
interval = interval.replace(
'a', str(int((1 - interval_size)/2 * length)))
interval = interval.replace(
'b', str(int((1 - (1 - interval_size)/2) * length)))
elif interval == "[a,*]":
interval = interval.replace(
'a', str(int((1-interval_size) * length)))
elif interval == "[0,b]":
interval = interval.replace(
'b', str(int(interval_size * length)))

return interval

def write_file(f, text):
with open(f, "w") as text_file:

rhs = "B(x,y)"

def lhs_to_s(lhs):
if lhs == "FALSE":
return "lhs-0"
elif lhs == "A(x)":
return "lhs-1"
elif lhs == "(NOT A(x))":
return "lhs-1-neg"
elif lhs == "A(x,y)":
return "lhs-2"
elif lhs == "(NOT A(x,y))":
return "lhs-2-neg"
raise ValueError(f'Unknown lhs: {lhs}')

def int_to_s(interval):
if interval == "[0,*]":
return "0-unbounded"
elif interval == "[0,b]":
return "0-bounded"
elif interval == "[a,*]":
return "a-unbounded"
elif interval == "[a,b]":
return "a-bounded"
raise ValueError(f'Unknown interval: {interval}')

# release
for interval in intervals:
for lhs in ["FALSE", "A(x)", "(NOT A(x))", "A(x,y)", "(NOT A(x,y))"]:
for log_type in ["always", "until", "eventually"]:
for asymptotic in ["baseline"] + asymptotics:
# once is only allowed for a > 0
if log_type == "eventually" and (interval != "[a,*]" and interval != "[a,b]"):

# if 0 is not in the interval, the lhs has to be A(x, y) (same set of free variables and not negated)
if (interval == "[a,*]" or interval == "[a,b]") and (lhs != "A(x,y)"):

if interval == "[0,*]" and asymptotic == "2i":

#orig_length = 10 ** 2

length = base_length
n = base_n
interval_size = 0.75

if asymptotic == "baseline":
elif asymptotic.endswith("n"):
n = int(asymptotic[:-1]) * n
elif asymptotic.endswith("l"):
length = int(asymptotic[:-1]) * length
elif asymptotic.endswith("c"):
n = int(asymptotic[:-1]) * n
length = int(asymptotic[:-1]) * length
print(f'Invalid asymptotic value: "{asymptotic}"!')

experiment = f'release-{int_to_s(interval)}-{lhs_to_s(lhs)}-{log_type}'
print(f'Generating experiment {experiment} ({asymptotic})..')

output = os.path.join(output_dir, experiment)
if not(os.path.isdir(output)):

formula_path = os.path.join(
output, f'formula-{asymptotic}.txt')
signature_path = os.path.join(output, "signature.txt")
log_path = os.path.join(output, f'log-{asymptotic}.txt')

f'(C(x,y)) AND (({lhs}) RELEASE{gen_int(interval, length, interval_size)} ({rhs}))')

if lhs == "A(x)" or lhs == "(NOT A(x))":
elif lhs == "A(x,y)" or lhs == "(NOT A(x,y))":
write_file(signature_path, f'B(int,int)\nC(int,int)')

# to generate the log, execute the other script
f'python ./ --formula {formula_path} --pattern {log_type} --output {log_path} --length {length} --n {n}')
# print(
# f'Check execution time of experiment {experiment} ({asymptotic})..')
#os.system(f'./ {experiment} {asymptotic}')

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