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Git post-receive hook for Slack

This is a bash script that posts a message into your Slack channel when changes are pushed. It understands creation/deletion/update, for branches, tags (annotated or not), and tracking branches.

alt tag

How to Install

Download the latest release of git-slack-hook onto the server which hosts your git repo.

Note: some git repositories may be "bare". You'll know if your repo is bare or not by checking for a .git folder where your repo lives.

For bare repos, copy/rename it as /path/to/your/repo/hooks/post-receive.

For normal/non-bare repos, copy/rename it as /path/to/your/repo/.git/hooks/post-receive.

Finally, chmod +x post-receive to allow the script to be executed.


  1. Add an Incoming WebHooks integration in your Slack by going to:
  2. Configure the webhook URL

    Once you have the link, you need to configure the git repo that will receive the commits (generally that is on a remote server).

    git config hooks.slack.webhook-url ''

    Note: Notifications are disabled if this key is set to an empty value. The hook raises an error if this key is not set.

  3. Configure the notification settings of this program.

    This program has many options. They are either chosen by git config parameters (listed below), or command line arguments.

With Gitolite

If you use gitolite to manage multiple repositories, you may set common values in conf/gitolite.conf in your gitolite-admin repo, and then rely on per-repo configurations to tweak certain settings.

repo    @all
    # enable globally
    config hooks.slack.webhook-url = ""
    config hooks.slack.repos.root = /var/git/repositories/

repo personal/budget
    # setting the key to '' disables notifications for the repo
    config hooks.slack.webhook-url = ""

Note: To allow the hooks.slack.* keys in the config, they need to be declared "safe", by adding the prefix to the set of allowed keys in ~/.gitolite.rc

$GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = "cgit\\..* hooks\\.mailinglist ... hooks\\.slack\\..*"

Another option, to keep the gitolite config free of extra config, is to set some of the common options on command-line arguments to the post-receive hook (which will be shared across repos). (See Command Line Args)

Other (optional) Settings

Specify a channel to post in Slack instead of the default:

git config '#general'

    '#channelname' - post to channel
    '@username' - direct message to user
    'groupname' - post to group

Specify a username to post as. If not specified, the default name incoming-webhook will be used:

git config hooks.slack.username 'git'

Specify an icon to display in Slack instead of the default:

git config hooks.slack.icon-url ''

Specify an emoji icon to display in Slack instead of the default:

git config hooks.slack.icon-emoji ':twisted_rightwards_arrows:'

Specify a repository nice name that will be shown in messages:

git config hooks.slack.repo-nice-name 'My Awesome Repository'

Truncate the notification message after a maximum number of commits:

git config hooks.slack.max-commits-per-changeset 20

Note: set to 0 to show just a summary (e.g. "user x pushed 3 commits"), set to 1 to show the summary + the most recent commit. If the number of commits in the changeset is higher than this value, output will be truncated, and there will be a note to that effect.

Specify whether you want to show the body of the commit message as well as the title:

git config false # default false

Specify if you want to notify only about branches matching the following (in POSIX extended syntax):

git config hooks.slack.branch-regexp regexp  # e.g. '^master$|^my-tag$'

Note: the regexp is matched against the short name of the ref/ (e.g. master)

Provide a sender.cfg file to map system users (or gitolite usernames) to full name and addresses:

git config hooks.slack.sender-cfg /path/to/sender.cfg

Note: this is the same file you would provide to the post-receive email hook. This username may be different than the author of the commit. On gitolite systems, the username is extracted from the $GL_USER environment var.

Command line arguments

Defaults suitable for multiple repositories can be configured on the command line with one or more -c KEY VALUE options. If you use central management for your repositories, you may provide sensible default global values by linking to a common hook script. This way you won't clog your git configs with keys.


path/to/git-slack-hook \
  -c hooks.slack.webhook-url '' \
  -c '#general' \
  -c some.other.key ''

Note: Configuration keys in repositories take precedence over those defined on the command line.

Other command line flags of interest:

--debug (prints, but doesn't send out the notification. a dry run)

--trace (allows debugging the script)

Linking to Changesets

When the following parameters are set, revision hashes will be turned into links to a web view of your repository.

git config hooks.slack.repos-root '/path/to/repos/'
git config hooks.slack.changeset-url-pattern 'http://yourserver/%repo_path%/changeset/%rev_hash%'

For example, if your repository is in /var/repos/myrepo, set repos_root to /var/repos/ and set changeset_url_pattern to http://yourserver/%repo_path%/changeset/%rev_hash% or whatever. Make sure repos-root ends with a trailing slash.

Links can also be created that summarize a list of commits:

git config 'http://yourserver/%repo_path%/compare/%old_rev_hash%..%new_rev_hash%'


The notification message headers can be changed via config, subject to the templating rules below:

git config hooks.slack.msg-create  \
  '*[%repo_name%]* %refname_type%/%short_refname% created -- %user_full%'
git config hooks.slack.msg-delete \
  ... deleted -- %user_full%'
git config hooks.slack.msg-update-many \
  ... updated (<comparelink>%num% new commits</comparelink>) -- %user_full%'
git config hooks.slack.msg-update-one  \
  ... updated (<comparelink>1 new commit</comparelink>) -- %user_full%'

The following common variables are available to all templates:

Variable Substitution
%num% The number of commits pushed in the changeset (this is 0 for non-update notifications)
%new_rev_hash% The revision after a branch update (i.e. the latest)
%old_rev_hash% The revision before a branch update
%short_refname% The shortname for a branch/tag/etc. e.g. master, or feature/foo
%repo_name% The display name of the repo. (either obtained via config, $GL_REPO, or working path)
%user% The username triggering the hook. On gitolite systems this is equivalent to $GL_USER
%user_full% The fullname+email of whoever's making the update.
This is the same as %user% if the username cannot be found in sender.cfg.

URL templates can use the common variables, plus all the the following:

Variable Substitution
%repo_path% The path of the repository, relative to the repository root.
Derived from the directory and the value of repos-root.
%rev_hash% In the changeset URL (for each commit), this will be the revision of the commit.

Message msg-* config templates can use <comparelink>LABEL</compare_link> to configure the label of the link on Slack. Template variables inside LABEL will be evaluated.


Git receive hook to notify Slack channels







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  • Shell 99.6%
  • Emacs Lisp 0.4%