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COVID NPI for Spain

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@daniprec daniprec released this 15 Feb 11:41

To use this package, you need to have the NPI data from Spain. This data is stored in files named "Medidas_CCAA_YYYYMMDD.xlsm", being "CCAA" the acronym of the Autonomous Community (for example, MAD for Madrid), and "YYYYMMDD" the date when the data was collected (different CCAA may have different dates). These xlsm files must be placed in the same folder (for instance, "datos_NPI"). From now on, the route to that folder is called path_raw.

You also need a "Taxonomía.xlsx" file. The route to it is called path_taxonomia. This excel file has several sheets, each of them dedicated to a specific ambit where NPI are applied (like education, sports or restaurants). The sheets contain the scores assigned to each action and item, depending on their severity. We use "Taxonomía.xlsx" to score the NPI applied to different ambits.

This package contains the scripts and functions required to read and preprocess the data of path_raw, then score the actions and items taken, according to path_taxonomia. The final output will be one csv file per province, containing the daily scores of each item and ambit.