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Official PyTorch code for the CVPR 2022 paper - Consistent Explanations by Contrastive Learning


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Official PyTorch code for CVPR 2022 paper - Consistent Explanations by Contrastive Learning

Post-hoc explanation methods, e.g., Grad-CAM, enable humans to inspect the spatial regions responsible for a particular network decision. However, it is shown that such explanations are not always consistent with human priors, such as consistency across image transformations. Given an interpretation algorithm, e.g., Grad-CAM, we introduce a novel training method to train the model to produce more consistent explanations. Since obtaining the ground truth for a desired model interpretation is not a well-defined task, we adopt ideas from contrastive self-supervised learning, and apply them to the interpretations of the model rather than its embeddings. We show that our method, Contrastive Grad-CAM Consistency (CGC), results in Grad-CAM interpretation heatmaps that are more consistent with human annotations while still achieving comparable classification accuracy. Moreover, our method acts as a regularizer and improves the accuracy on limited-data, fine-grained classification settings. In addition, because our method does not rely on annotations, it allows for the incorporation of unlabeled data into training, which enables better generalization of the model.

Teaser image


author = {Pillai, Vipin and Abbasi Koohpayegani, Soroush and Ouligian, Ashley and Fong, Dennis and Pirsiavash, Hamed},
title = {Consistent Explanations by Contrastive Learning},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2022}


  • Pytorch 1.3 - Please install PyTorch and CUDA if you don't have it installed.



Train and evaluate a ResNet50 model on the ImageNet dataset using our CGC loss

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python /datasets/imagenet -a resnet50 -p 100 -j 8 -b 256 --lr 0.1 --lambda 0.5 -t 0.5 --save_dir <SAVE_DIR> --log_dir <LOG_DIR>

Train and evaluate a ResNet50 model on 1pc labeled subset of ImageNet dataset and the rest as unlabeled dataset. We initialize the model from SwAV

For the below command, <PATH_TO_SWAV_MODEL_PRETRAINED> can be downloaded from the github directory of SwAV - We use the model checkpoint listed on the first row (800 epochs, 75.3% ImageNet top-1 acc.) of the Model Zoo of the above repository.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python <PATH_TO_1%_IMAGENET> -a resnet50 -b 128 -j 8 --lambda 0.25 -t 0.5 --epochs 50 --lr 0.02 --lr_last_layer 5 --resume <PATH_TO_SWAV_MODEL_PRETRAINED> --save_dir <SAVE_DIR> --log_dir <LOG_DIR> 2>&1 | tee <PATH_TO_CMD_LOG_FILE>


  • ResNet50 model pre-trained on ImageNet - link


Evaluate model checkpoint using Content Heatmap (CH) evaluation metric

We use the evaluation code adapted from the TorchRay framework.

  • Change directory to TorchRay and install the library. Please refer to the TorchRay repository for full documentation and instructions.

    • cd TorchRay
    • python install
  • Change directory to TorchRay/torchray/benchmark

    • cd torchray/benchmark
  • For the ImageNet & CUB-200 datasets, this evaluation requires the following structure for validation images and bounding box xml annotations

    • <PATH_TO_FLAT_VAL_IMAGES_BBOX>/val/*.JPEG - Flat list of validation images
    • <PATH_TO_FLAT_VAL_IMAGES_BBOX>/annotation/*.xml - Flat list of annotation xml files
Evaluate ResNet50 models trained on the full ImageNet dataset
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python <PATH_TO_FLAT_VAL_IMAGES_BBOX> -j 0 -b 1 --resume <PATH_TO_SAVED_CHECKPOINT_FILE> --input_resize 448 -a resnet50
Evaluate ResNet50 models trained on the CUB-200 fine-grained dataset
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python <PATH_TO_FLAT_VAL_IMAGES_BBOX> --dataset cub -j 0 -b 1 --resume <PATH_TO_SAVED_CHECKPOINT_FILE> --input_resize 448 -a resnet50
Evaluate ResNet50 models trained from SwAV initialized models with 1pc labeled subset of ImageNet and rest as unlabeled
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python <PATH_TO_IMAGENET_VAL_FLAT> -j 0 -b 1 --resume <PATH_TO_SAVED_CHECKPOINT_FILE> --input_resize 448 -a resnet50

Evaluate model checkpoint using Insertion AUC (IAUC) evaluation metric

Change to directory RISE/ and follow the below commands:

Evaluate pre-trained ResNet50 model
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --pretrained
Evaluate ResNet50 model trained using our CGC method


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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