Install Docker and Docker Compose.
Download and extract this repository.
Obtain access to Amazon Rekognition and Clarifai.
Stand up and configure instances of the following:
- Blacklight (at least one instance)
- IIIF image server
- Elucidate WebAnnotation server
- RabbitMQ
Fill in the blanks in
. -
Fill in the blanks and replace the dummy configuration data in
. -
Bring up the containers on your Docker host:
docker-compose up -d
At the project root directory, run:
$ pytest
Bring up the containers on your Docker host, if you haven't already:
docker-compose up -d
Install Python 3.5, or 3.6, and a Python virtual environment manager.
In the repository directory, create and activate a virtual environment:
# GNU/Linux python -m venv venv_mgap . venv_mgap/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Move the example send script to the repository directory, so it can find the
package as an absolute import:$ mv examples/pika/send_messages.py .
Pipe some JSON to the example send script:
$ echo '{ "iiif_image_info_url": "https://stacks.stanford.edu/image/iiif/gp903kf9548%2FSC1041_SAIL_Office_1979", "iiif_manifest_url": "https://purl.stanford.edu/gp903kf9548/iiif/manifest", "item_ark": "ark:/00000/aaa.bbb" }' | ./send_messages.py