Functional Families generation using embedding distance matrices
New CATH-Gemma algorithm to generate trees of relationships between sequences and functions.
The key change allows to use distances from pLM embeddings or structural distances instead of HMM-vs-HMM comparisons.
- Revised protocol to use MMseqs2 instead of CD-HIT.
- Python CLI generating SGE or local jobs
- embedding distances or 1/bitscore distances from Foldseek as data source for functional relationships
- Faster, low memory footprint. (i.e. For the HUPS Superfamily ( 22 hours to 6 hours).
This repo is part of the FunFams pipeline as an intermediate step before FunFHMMER.
The eMMA version of FunFHMMER can be found at funfhmmer-emma
See the GeMMA Wiki for documentation on GEMMA and check out the step-by-step walkthrough here