This project provides a platform for the execution of Big Data workloads through Hadoop YARN in container-based clusters.
The platform provides a serverless environment that supports Singularity/Apptainer containers, scaling their allocated resources to fit them according to the usage in real time.
It is provided an automatic way of deploying the platform through IaC tools such as Ansible, as well as a web interface to easily manage the platform and execute Big Data workloads. The serverless platform may be deployed on an existing physical cluster, or on a virtual cluster for testing purposes.
Óscar Castellanos-Rodríguez, Roberto R. Expósito, Jonatan Enes, Guillermo L. Taboada, Juan Touriño, Serverless-like platform for container-based YARN clusters. Future Generation Computer Systems, 155:256-271, February 2024.
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant plugins: vagrant-hostmanager, vagrant-reload, vagrant-vbguest
vagrant-reload plugin is only necessary when deploying nodes with cgroups V2
You may install the vagrant plugins with the following commands:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Python
- Ansible
- Passwordless SSH login between nodes
Only one cluster node (i.e. master node) needs to have Ansible installed and a passwordless SSH login to the remaining ones
The Serverless platform need to be installed and deployed on the master node (or "server" node), while the containers will be deployed on the remaining cluster nodes (workers or "hosts").
You can clone this repository and the required frameworks with
git clone --recurse-submodules
Once cloned, change directory to the root directory
cd ServerlessYARN
Modify ansible/provisioning/config/config.yml to customize your environment.
You may deploy the virtual cluster with Vagrant (if needed):
vagrant up
Inside the server node (you can use "vagrant ssh" to log in when using a virtual cluster) go to the "ansible/provisioning/scripts" directory within the platform root directory (accessible from "/vagrant" on the virtual cluster). Then, execute the scripts to install and set up all the necessary requirements for the platform and start its services:
python3 bash
NOTE: When deploying on a physical cluster that relies on SLURM for job scheduling, you can skip the execution of the "" script. The Ansible inventory will be automatically generated considering the available nodes. A sample script for sbatch is provided in the "slurm" directory.
Once you are done, you can shutdown the virtual cluster (if applicable) exiting the server node and executing:
vagrant halt
Or you may destroy the whole virtual cluster with:
vagrant destroy --force
Once done with the installation and launch, you can visit the web interface in your browser in {server-ip}:9000/ui (or the port specified in the config file instead of 9000 if modified).
You will see a Home page with 5 subpages:
- Containers: here you can see and manage all the deployed containers
- Hosts: here you can see and manage all hosts as well as their containers
- Apps: here you can see and manage all apps as well as their associated containers
- Services: here you can see and manage all services of the platform
- Rules: here you can see and manage all scaling rules that are followed by the services
- Vagrant - IaC tool for deploying the virtual cluster
- VirtualBox - VM Software to support the machines of the cluster
- Ansible - Configuration Management Tool
- Apptainer - Singularity/Apptainer Containers management tool
- Django - Web development framework
- Python - Programming language
- Serverless Containers - Container resource scaling framework
- BDWatchdog - Resource monitoring framework
- Óscar Castellanos-Rodríguez (
- Roberto R. Expósito (
- Jonatan Enes (
- Guillermo L. Taboada (
- Juan Touriño (
This project is distributed as free software and is publicly available under the GNU GPLv3 license (see the LICENSE file for more details).