This library provides the functionality of performing union-find operations on graphs in a distributed asynchronous fashion. The implementation is in Charm++ and can be used in any generic Charm++-based graph applications. The initial code was developed by Karthik Senthil.
An example application(a simple graph program) is included in the examples
directory. A more detailed documentation of the library usage and functionality
will be added soon.
- Fully distributed union-find algorithm
- Simple path compression
- Connected components identification & labelling
- Threshold-based component pruning
- TRAM integration
- Local edge optimizations
- Priority for some messages
- Testing with large graph datasets (probabilistic meshes)
- Integration with Changa
$ git clone
$ cd prefixLib
edit CHARMC path in Makefile
$ make
$ cd ..
edit CHARM_DIR and UNION_FIND_DIR in Makefile.common
$ make