Provides configuration, UI templates and bootstraping for the POC version of the registry.
This provides vagrant and aws scripts to simplify creation and management of registry instances.
Install vagrant:
Install vagrant aws tools:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
vagrant box add dummy
Install aws python command line tools:
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install awscli
complete -C aws_completer aws
Install jq:
For local virtual machines you will also need VirtualBox:
and a Ubuntu box:
vagrant box add precise64
vagrant up local
You can then log into the instance with:
vagrant ssh local
The http port onto the local instance is mapped to port 4567 on your local machine so pointing a web browser at http://localhost:4567
should show the launched registry instance.
Destroy it with:
vagrant destroy local
To create an AWS instance you need an appropriate set of credentials.
First create a security group called Deploy
which provides access to ssh, http and https.
Second ensure you have an installed key pair and a user who has access to that key pair.
Third create a credentials file which can be used to set the shell environment variables needed by the later scripts. This should look like:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1
export AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME=keyname
export AWS_SSH_PRIVKEY=/home/user/.ssh/keyname.pem
The AWS configuration is designed so that the run time registry information is kept on a separate EBS volume for ease of backup. This complicates the provisioning steps.
First select or create an EBS volume to use. This might be created from a prior snapshot or might be a brand new volume. Then launch the instance with
. mycredentials.cred
vagrant up aws --provider=aws --no-provision
vagrant provision aws