The design system provides guidance for writing content and code for University Libraries' web assets developed or managed by the Web Development Team.
Install NodeJS and Gulp CLI manually.
The design system is built with pure HTML and CSS. The code is intended to be simplified enough to not require additional pre-processing language such as HAML and SCSS.
After cloning the repository, run npm install
in the NodeJS CLI from the repository's local root folder to install the required packages from package.json.
No build is necessary for HTML changes.
For CSS changes, run a gulp build, using the command gulp
The design system site automatically updates when Git commits are synced to GitHub.
Start a webserver on port 8000 then visit http://localhost:8000/design-system
in your browser. (Browser opens automatically)
$ gulp webserver
By default, live reloading of changed files is enabled. Disable it by setting
the environment variable GULP_LIVERELOAD
to false
$ GULP_LIVERELOAD=false gulp webserver
Change the default port 8000
# Start on port 9999
$ GULP_PORT=9999 gulp webserver