University of Michigan Dynamic Legged Locomotion Robotics Lab
- Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
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- Digit_Fall_Prediction_Dataset Public
This dataset is comprised of simulation and hardware trajectories with various faults for the Digit robot during the task of standing. The simulation trajectories contain abrupt, incipient, and intermittent faults, while the hardware trajectories contain abrupt and incipient faults. A tutorial of the dataset can be found in the viz branch.
UMich-BipedLab/Digit_Fall_Prediction_Dataset’s past year of commit activity - KinodynamicFabrics.jl Public Forked from adubredu/KinodynamicFabrics.jl
Julia implementation of the Kinodynamic Fabrics whole-body control framework
UMich-BipedLab/KinodynamicFabrics.jl’s past year of commit activity - Cassie_CFROST Public
UMich-BipedLab/Cassie_CFROST’s past year of commit activity - cassie_alip_mpc Public
This repository provides an implementation of a bipedal locomotion controller, described in the paper Terrain-Adaptive, ALIP-Based Bipedal Locomotion Controller via Model Predictive Control and Virtual Constraints(pdf)(arXiv). The controller has two components: (1) an Angular Momentum Linear Inverted Pendulum (ALIP)-based Model Predictive Contro…
UMich-BipedLab/cassie_alip_mpc’s past year of commit activity - CLF_reactive_planning_system Public
This package provides a CLF-based reactive planning system, described in paper: Efficient Anytime CLF Reactive Planning System for a Bipedal Robot on Undulating Terrain. The reactive planning system consists of a 5-Hz planning thread to guide a robot to a distant goal and a 300-Hz Control-Lyapunov-Function-based (CLF-based) reactive thread to co…
UMich-BipedLab/CLF_reactive_planning_system’s past year of commit activity - IMOMD-RRTStar Public
This work proposes an anytime iterative system to concurrently solve the multi-objective path planning problem and determine the visiting order of destinations. The paper has been uploaded to arXiv at
UMich-BipedLab/IMOMD-RRTStar’s past year of commit activity