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Replication and Fixity Checks

diannao edited this page Apr 16, 2012 · 1 revision

Replication and Fixity Checks

These consist of three parts, a replication check script, a fixity (checksum) check script, and a page in the administration app. Both scripts take the same set of arguments: a starting path and one or more resources to check. - Replication check script. Verifies that items in the specified subtree have copies on each of the specified resources. Records an AVU noting when the check was successfully completed and recording a timestamp for future reference. This timestamp is used by the script to avoid rechecking this item before the period specified in the script (currently 6 months) has passed. Writes a good_replication.log and a bad_replication.log to the current directory, listing successful and failed replication checks. Example: ./ /testZone/home/fedora/datastreams/2011/1215 aResc testResc - Checksum check script. Verifies that items in the specified subtree on each of the specified resources pass the checksum test. Records an AVU noting when the check was successfully completed and recording a timestamp for future reference. This timestamp is used by the script to avoid rechecking this item before the period specified in the script (currently 6 months) has passed. Writes a good_checksums.log and a bad_checksums.log to the current directory, listing successful and failed checksum checks. Example: ./ /testZone/home/fedora/datastreams/2011/1215 aResc testResc

In the administration app, there is a new page to upload fixity and replication checks. It consists of four file entry fields, one each for good replication, bad replication, good checksums, and bad checksums log files. Select the files and ingest them into the repository. The files are read and turned into PREMIS events on the appropriate Fedora object.