This repository contains configuration files and scripts for modeling the
DOE/Sandia RM2 cross-flow turbine with [CACTUS](
software-download/). Note that the simulation may require an unreleased,
non-backwards-compatible version of CACTUS, as indicated by the cactus
Runs are automated and post-processed with Python. It is recommended users download and install the Anaconda Python distribution (3.5).
This project has been mostly run on Linux. On an Ubuntu-like system, all non-Python dependencies can be installed with
sudo apt-get install gfortran libblas-dev liblapack-dev octave
To download and compile CACTUS and related tools along with this repo, execute
git clone --recursive
then run
make cactus
Note that if this repo was cloned without the --recursive
option, the
submdules can be cloned with
git submodule update --init --recursive
One additional Python plotting dependency (beyond Anaconda) can be installed with
pip install pxl
Executing CACTUS is done with
. To see usage and options, execute
python -h
A similar script,
is used for plotting the results.
Run at a single tip speed ratio without dynamic stall:
python --tsr=3.1 --dynamic-stall=0
Calculate turbine performance curve:
python -p tsr 1.1 4.7 0.5
Run time step dependence parameter sweep:
python -p nti 8 65 4
Run parameter sweep for number of blade elements:
python -p nbelem 4 65 4
Run parameter sweep for free stream velocity:
python -p u_infty 0.2 2.1 0.2
Open config/
in ParaView using the "Auto Detect Format" and "Multi
Grid" options only.
To visualize the turbine geometry, download and rotate the STL file with
, then open ./figures/turbine-y-up.stl
in ParaView.
Original configuration files (added in
from Andrew Murphy Wilson (@awilmurph). The script for creating the wall mesh
) was based on one by Phillip Chiu (@whophil), who
implemented the wall panels in CACTUS.
File name | Reference |
NACA_0021_Sheldahl.dat |
Sheldahl, R. and Klimas, P. (1981) "Aerodynamic Characteristics of Seven Symmetrical Airfoil Sections Through 180-Degrees Angle of Attack for Use in Aerodynamic Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines". |
NACA_0021_Gregorek.csv |
Static data from Gregorek, G. M.; Hoffman, M. J. and Berchak, M. J. (1989) "Steady state and oscillatory aerodynamic characteristics of a NACA 0021 airfoil". Reynolds number values are divided by 1 million. |
NACA_0021_Jacobs*.csv |
Lift coefficient data manually digitized from Jacobs (1932) "The aerodynamic characteristics of eight very thick airfoils from tests in the variable density wind tunnel". |
NACA_0018_Jacobs* |
Data from Jacobs and Sherman (1937), tabulated in Miley (1982) "A catalog of low Reynolds number airfoil data for wind turbine applications". |
NACA_0021_XFOIL* |
Generated by Andrew Wilson. |
This work can be cited via DOI thanks to Zenodo:
Code licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for details.
All other materials licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.