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Crafting Materials Visual Assets Design User Testing Sprint Two

Everitt Zhang edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

User Testing


Using the various versions of the materials above, they were collated into the survey and user testing was carried out with fellow peers of the studio -

Questions were of the following form:


The purpose of this particular user test was to gather information on preference of representation of the crafting materials in the game. The criteria was entirely up to the user, although the appropriateness and suitability of the materials in the game given the theme and context was likely a factor.


Gold Iron Steel
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Wood Plastic Rubber
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Silver Platinum
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Every material except steel had a very clear preference from users, while steel was very close to a 50/50 split in terms of preference. According to the written feedback, while users did prefer steel logs conceptually, the size of them was not practically representative of steel, hence the choice of the steel bar instead. Other written feedback included comments on colouring and shading, as well as other feedback to better conform to the Atlantis/Plumber concept of the game.

Since there was only one version of the platinum and silver materials, questions were aimed to directly ask how to improve the design. Lots of contention was present here as users struggled to clearly understand the materials as platinum and silver, and suggestions around the shading and key design features were also given.

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