We want to create an easy-to-use and dependable dashboard web app that has an access control list, admin page, etc to add/remove users. It should have the capability to display images, videos, and web pages across monitors in SPN. It should store previously used "Dashboards" for future use. It will be able to manage attached devices (Raspberry Pi). It should display a list of active devices along with the name of the Dashboard assigned to them on their respective pages. It must allow for editing of existing Dashboards.
- Ability to view all current users
- Ability to add new users and admins
- Ability to remove users
- Ability to remove any dashboard
- Ability to edit any dashboard
- Allow Users to edit their own Dashboard
- Allow Users to view all Dashboards
- Allow Users to delete their own dashboard
- Allow User to go back to the home page
- Allow User to make their own dashboard
- Give Users option to edit their own dashboard
- Users can edit the duration of the slide
- This page is only available to Admin
- Allows admin to add Users
- Allows Admin to see the current Users
- Page is available to users and admin
- Ability to edit which dashboard you want to display
- Page has Button for Edit, Other and Delete
- Other Button can allow you to post, preview, and rename the dashboard if needed
- Clicking post will redirect you to another page that will post the slide
- Clicking preview will redirect you to another page, allowing to show you the link you entered to preview
- Rename redirects users to a new page to enter a new name for the dashboard
- Displays the Image, website, or URL that the user wants to display on the page
- Allows users to add a dashboard
- Allows users to delete the dashboards that users select
- Displays button for Home, and Login if user needs to redirect back
- Button that says back redirecting them to the last page
- Page is available to users, not admins
- This page is where it allows users and admins to present
- Button to allow users to edit, if needed, to fix any errors they may have
- Button to present to display on the monitors
- Page is available to users and admin
- Page is only available to admin
- Page allows Admin to see the current users currently logged into the monitor dashboard
- Admin has the ability to delete, add, and edit any given user
- Auth0, An API that allows for authentication, and users and admins to sign in saving their account on the webapp
- Vue.js (Frontend Java/Typescript Framework)
- Tailwind CSS (Styling Framework)
- Pug (HTML Styling)
- Nuxt.js(Framework for handling Backend)
- SQLite (Database)
- Primsa (Helps write SQLite)
graph TD;
A["Raspberry Pi starts up"] --> B["script runs"] --> C["goes to its respective page on our website"] --> D["Pi is redirected to a generated URL (when the Dashboard is sent to the Device) present the Dashboard stored in our website"] --> E["When the Device is done presenting the Dashboard, it redirects to its specific page to present its Dashboard again"] --> C
Download Node.js
Clone repsitory with git clone
Copy .env into root or fill out new keys from .env.example
Need Private keys/info for
- Auth0 Make sure to install the dependencies (node_modules):
# npm
npm install
# pnpm
pnpm install
Initialize SQLite3 DB via
- npx prisma generate
- npx prisma migrate dev
- npx prisma studio
Open the generated localhost:5555 if you aren't automatically taken to it
- localhost:5555 Add first user with prisma studio with valid email that you can use
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
# npm
npm run dev
- Log in via the 'Login' button after you are invited