This repository is a solution to deterministic training and replayable chekcpointing for DL training programs. The implementation is based on our paper Checkpointing and Deterministic Training for Deep Learning.
Our solution consists of two parts: a modified version of Tensorflow that supports deterministic training, and a dynamic analysis system that traces and instruments programs to support checkpointing and replay.
We use python 3.6
to develop the system.
To build our modified version of Tensorflow, users also need the dependency required by Tensorflow.
We recommend our users use a python virtual environment
to run our system.
To run the example, users need the dependency required by it. We will discuss this part later.
We modify Tensorflow 2.1.0
to support deterministic training. It is maintained
in this repository.
The related code is on the branch detrain
git clone
cd tensorflow-det/
git checkout detrain
# Configure the project following the configure script
# Build Tensorflow, this step may take 2 hours
bazel build --config=opt --config=cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
# Build the python package
./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package <Dir to store the package>
# Uninstall the original version of Tensorflow
pip3 uninstall tensorflow
# Install the deterministic version of Tensorflow
pip3 install <Dir to store the package>/tensorflow-2.1.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
DETrain uses the following structures to model a training program:
for epoch in ...:
for batch in ...:
data = dataloader.next_batch()
model = update(model, graidents)
It then instruments the program as follow:
for epoch in ...:
[+] record_epoch(epoch)
for batch in ...:
data = dataloader.next_batch()
[+] execute = record_batch(batch)
[+] if not execute:
[+] continue
model = update(model, graidents)
As shown in the above code snippet, DETrain records the epoch number for each epoch.
Users can specify the frequency of checkpointing (i.e., making checkpoints for every n
epoches). The epoch number is saved in the checkpoint files.
When we want to resume the execution from a checkpoint, DETrain leverages the insruments in the batch loop. If the epoch number is less than the saved epoch number, DETrain only executes the data loading snippets and skips the loop body.
Let's go through DETrain's workflow via an example.
This example is a transformer model written in Tensorflow.
Its code and data can be found in example/tensorflow/MusicTransformer-tensorflow2.0/
The entry file is
For now, suppose that we already have the information about its important code structure (discussed above),
as shown in tf-ckpt/
cd syscalls/
make all
We need to modify two scripts to run the example.
First, change the <FULL PATH>
to the full path of the DETrain
Second, specify the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
env variable in run
At detrain/
, modify iter_counter in [3, 6]
to change the frequency
of checkpointing. iter_counter
is the epoch number. iter_counter in [3, 6]
we save a checkpoint when the epoch number is 3
or 6
Run ./
to train the example model with DETrain.
At the first time we run the example, DETrain will automatically make checkpoints
when the target epoch number is reached. We can expect checkpoint files to appear in
. After the checkpoint files appear, when we rerun the script, DETrain
automatically fast-forwards the training program to the latest checkpoint and
resume the exeuction from that checkpoint. We can rerun the script for multiple times.
The training program should achieve exactly the same accuracy/loss for each run.
Previously, we explictly tell DETrain the key structure of the training program
via the file tf-ckpt/
. Another option is to let DETrain deduce such information via tracing.
DETrain needs to trace the training program twice. In the first round, it locates the epoch loop and the batch loop. In the second round, we change the size of the dataset. DETrain then deduces the data loader by finding variables whose size changes with the size of dataset.
Note that each round of the tracing process could take several hours.
Change the content of
to the following command:
export MODEL_NAME=$model
export CKPT_DIR='<FULL PATH>/DETrain-public/tf-ckpt'
ENABLE_TRACE=1 ./run example/tensorflow/MusicTransformer-tensorflow2.0/ --data_path example/tensorflow/MusicTransformer-tensorflow2.0/dataset/piano
and run this script.
A file named
is expected in DETrain-public/
and a file named
is expected in DETrain-public/tf-ckpt
. The former contains the
execution trace. DETrain uses it to deduce the data loader in the second round.
The latter contains the structure information collected in the first round.
Change the last command in
ENABLE_TRACE=1 DIFF_SIZE=312 ./run example/tensorflow/MusicTransformer-tensorflow2.0/ --data_path example/tensorflow/MusicTransformer-tensorflow2.0/dataset/piano1
and run this script.
Note that we change the dataset to piano1
and we use an env variable to tell
DETrain the change of size should be 312
After this step, the file DETrain-public/tf-ckpt/
should contain
similar information as the provided one.
Hongyu Liu, Xiangzhe Xu, Guanhong Tao, Zhou Xuan, Xiangyu Zhang