A vim syntax highlighter for NONMEM models
You can install using you favorite plugin manager. Instructions follow for junegunn/vim-plug.
- Install Vim-Plug, according to its instructions.
- Add the following text to your
call plug#begin()
Plug 'UUPharmacometrics/vim-nonmem'
call plug#end()
Restart Vim, and run the
statement to install your plugins. -
Be sure to symlink the syntax file into your syntax directory
ln -s ~/.vim/plugged/vim-nonmem/nonmem.vim ~/.vim/syntax/nonmem.vim
ln -s ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-nonmem/nonmem.vim ~/.config/nvim/syntax/nonmem.vim
Put the following in your .vimrc
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.mod,*.ctl,*.lst,*.scm set filetype=nonmem syntax=nonmem