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Ubpa Half-Edge Mesh
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an elegant, high-performance, user-friendly halfedge data structure
- Elegant: store topology only
- High-performance: cache-friendly
- User-friendly: you can custom Vertex, Edge, Polygon and Half-Edge class
#include <UHEMesh/HEMesh.h>
#include <vector>
int main() {
std::vector<size_t> indices = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
Ubpa::HEMesh<> mesh(indices, 3);
// ...
#include <UHEMesh/HEMesh.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace Ubpa;
// forward declaration
class V;
class E;
class P;
class H;
using Traits_VEPH = HEMeshTraits<V, E, P, H>;
// custom vertex, edge, polygon and half-edge class
class V : public TVertex <Traits_VEPH> { /*...*/ }
class E : public TEdge <Traits_VEPH> { /*...*/ }
class P : public TPolygon <Traits_VEPH> { /*...*/ }
class H : public THalfEdge<Traits_VEPH> { /*...*/ }
int main() {
std::vector<size_t> indices = {0,1,2,0,2,3};
HEMesh<Traits_VEPH> mesh(indices, 3);
// ...
We have no documentaion.
You can read source code (include/UHEMesh) and example for more details.
customed class
you can get vertex, edge, polygon and halfedge type by
type if you don't need to custom some class, see Empty.h for more details.example
if you just need to custom vertex and polygon, then you can do like this
class V; class P; using Traits_VP = HEMeshTriats_EmptyEH<V, P>; class V : public TVertex <Traits_VP> { /*...*/ } class P : public TPolygon<Traits_VP> { /*...*/ } int main() { std::vector<size_t> indices = {0,1,2,0,2,3}; HEMesh<Traits_VP> mesh(indices, 3); // ... }
boundary polygon is
or useHEMesh<...>::P::IsBoundary(polygon)
to avoid literal value