The latest release (v1.2) provides a singularity image file and definition. Documentation for using this image can be found in the /singularity/ folder. This image sets up the environment to successfully run PEAS (after configuring the reference genomes) while reducing the number of user inputs for making promoter & enhancer predictions.
Note: Please have enough disk space for 5x the size of the input bamfile.
- Bash (can execute shell scripts)
- Java version 1.8.0_171 or more recent (
- SAMTools (
- MACS2 (
- Python ( with the following libraries:
- numpy
- pandas
- sklearn
- matplotlib
pip install numpy pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
conda install --upgrade numpy pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
Please ensure the following commands are available in terminal:
- java -jar
- samtools
- macs2
Note: python can be configured in the PEAS GUI.
To run PEAS, download and extract the latest PEAS zip file ( and run the PEAS.jar file either by double clicking or by running it in the command line: java -jar PEAS.jar (Requires Java 1.8.0_171,,
Please refer to the Manual (PEASManual.pdf) for installing dependencies and for further information on how to run feature extraction and prediction scripts.