a .Net library and download tool to control DWIN DGUS devices over serial port
Supported devices: T5, T5L, K600, Mini DUGS (partial support)
Supported file types: BMP, JPG, BIN, LIB, HZK, DZK, ICO, ICL, DWINOS*.BIN
About: I originally developed it after failing to upload a custom firmware to my 3d printer using the SD card, for some reason my SD interface stop loading the update screen and it seems that my version of DWIN OS is NoAck (does not response 0x4F4B for 0x83 commands) so for me, DWIN uploader natural tool fail with timeout error
This project also contains small script that allows you to upload DWIN_SET folder without SD card (for supported devices) and an Example DWIN project that shows local PC CPU and MEM usage on connected DGUS device (see Examples directory for more help and samples)
known issues: WAV uploader not working, only integer VP values can be updated (issue with double and TEXT mapping)
**tested only on T5UID1 device (the only device I own), other devices implemented based on DWIN documentation but never tested. in any case, USE ON YOUR OWN RISK!!!
Direct upload from PowerShell
.Examples/DgusDevice.ps1 -Path "DWIN_SET/*.*"
Direct upload from CMD
Powershell -executionpolicy remotesigned -File Examples\DgusDevice.ps1 -Path "DWIN_SET/*.*"
using DgusDude; //create using parameters var d = Device.Create(Platform.T5 | Platform.UID1 | Platform.TouchScreen, new DgusDude.Core.Screen(480, 270, 0 /*pixel format*/, 4.3), null /*custom flash size*/); //or create using model number //var d = Device.Create("DMT48270C043_06WT"); using (d) { //implicit dispose d.Open("com1", 115200); //open serial port d.Upload(@"c:\3 image.jpg"); //upload picture to location 3 d.Pictures.Current = 3; //set device current picture var pressed = d.Touch?.ReadKey(); //wait for device touch screen button press d.Close(); }
Output of print device info example: (for T5UID1)
PS D:\DgusDude\Examples> D:\DgusDude\Examples\Print deviceInfo.ps1 DgusDude by Udi Azulay 2021 COM-Port (COM6, COM7, COM10, COM14): com14 Platform : T5, UID1, TouchScreen Screen : 4.3 Inch, 272x480 2bpp Registers : 2kb (Align:1, Block:248, Page:256) RAM : 128kb (Align:2, Block:248, Page:0) Storage : 65536kb (Align:4, Block:32768, Page:524288) UserSettings : 320kb (Align:4, Block:0, Page:4096) Buffer : 64kb, 0x10000:20000 VP : VP On SRAM Pictures : Max 64 items Music : Max 256 items PWM : 3 Items ADC : 4 Items Config : Header: 5A-A5, Retries: 10, Options: NoAckRAM Connection : System.IO.Ports.SerialPort Connected : True DeviceID : 8671135961630377990 Version : (20, 32) Time : 01/01/0001 0:00:00 IsIdle : True Vcc : 3.28027833730086 CpuTemprature : 0 SDUploadDir : DeviceConfig : TouchTone, SDEnabled, InitWith22Config, CheckCRC, Touch Mode: 7 Sensitivity: 20 Brightness : Normal: 100, StandBy: 100 after: 2000ms Touch : X:250 Y:150 Lift