qmake -project
After above command is executed, "QT += widgets" string should be added to qtemil**.pro** file that is newly created.
cd release
Consequently, above commands will be executed to run the program.
startGame slots listens whether game is started or not. onEnlapsedStepsChanged and onPairsLabelChanged slots are listens for emissions that are cause change in the tries and pairs labels and updates them respect to these emissions.
- Slots
- startGame
- onEnlapsedStepsChanged
- onPairsLabelChanged
startGame slots listens whether game is started or not. cardMatched removes matched cards when a match occurs. enableReveal makes a card revealable. When a change occurs in founded pairs emits a signal to let Main Window know about this update. Similarly, after each move enlapsedStepsChanged emits a signal.
- Slots
- cardMatched
- startGame
- enableReveal
- Signals
- enlapsedStepsChanged
- pairsLabelChanged
flipToFace flips the face-down card on the button click. When I need to flip it back to face-down flipToBack slot is used. flyOut removes the card from the field (used when there is a match). setToFace and setToBack are private slots to set a card face-down or face-up
- Slots
- setToFace
- setToBack
- flyOut
- flipToFace
- flipToBack
- Signals
- matched
At the begining there are 24 facedown cards. This screen also greets you when reset button is clicked.
When a card flipped, it waits another card to proceed.
If the next card is not a match, it flips those two face-down again.
In the case of match, match signal is emitted to remove the matched cards.
Removes the matched cards and increases "Pairs" label by one. Game ends when all the cards are removed from the field (in other words "Pairs" label becomes 12).