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Underpin Custom Post Type Loader

Loader That assists with adding custom Post Types to a WordPress website.


Using Composer

composer require underpin/custom-post-type-loader


This plugin uses a built-in autoloader, so as long as it is required before Underpin, it should work as-expected.

require_once(__DIR__ . '/underpin-custom-post-type/custom-post-types.php');


  1. Install Underpin. See Underpin Docs
  2. Register new custom post types menus as-needed.


A very basic example could look something like this.

// Register custom Post Type
underpin()->custom_post_types()->add( 'example_type', [
	'type' => 'example-type', // see register_post_type
	'args' => [ /*...*/ ] // see register_post_type
] );

Alternatively, you can extend Custom_Post_Type and reference the extended class directly, like so:



A Custom Post Type instance includes a method, called query, which serves as a wrapper for new WP_Query.

This encapsulates queries for this post type in a method, and gives you a place to override exactly how this post type is queried, should you decide to extend the class.

underpin()->custom_post_types()->get( 'post_type' )->query();

Editing Posts

Like querying, Custom Post Type instances includes a method called save which serves as a wrapper for wp_insert_post and wp_update_post. It also includes notice-logging so you can track what happens on a request.

This encapsulates save actions for this post type in a set of methods, and gives you a place to override exactly how this post type is saved, should you decide to extend the class.

underpin()->custom_post_types()->save( [/* see wp_insert_post */] );

Deleting Posts

This works in the same way as save and query. It includes logging, and provides a way to encapsulate the action.

underpin()->custom_post_types()->delete( $id, $force_delete );