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Unick Soft edited this page Dec 26, 2020 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the GraphOffline developer wiki!

There some developer information about classes/architecture.

Base data class is IGraph. You can get all infromation about graph using IGraph . If you need to get weight of edges, you will need to cast it to IGraphInt or IGraphFloat or IMultiGraphInt or IMultiGraphFloat depends on the situation. If you want support multigraph you need to use IMultiGraph. IMultiGraph contains additional methods to use edges of multigraph.

To create new algorithm you need to implement IAlgorithm. This interface contains two parts:

  1. IAlgorithmEngine - provide information about parameters and calculate result.
  2. IAlgorithmResult - is used by IReporter to generate report.

To add new algoritm you also need update IAlgorithmFactory to add your algorithm to _CreateAlgorithm private method.

Here is detail information about base interfaces:

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