Dockerfile to build a PostgreSQL 8.4 image based on Ubuntu 10.04
Then you have to build an image from this repository:
docker build -t unifield:psql-8.4
Now you have to run the container. But have a look to an example of what could be done:
docker run -d --name uf-psql -p 25432:5432 -e POSTGRESQL_USER=unifield -e POSTGRESQL_PASS=unifield unifield:psql-8.4
We know that:
- it will be run in daemon (-d option)
- PostgreSQL server is accessible on the port 25432 with the user unifield and the password unifield.
- The name of the container will be uf-psql
- on our machine, we use the unifield:psql8.4 docker base image to create this container (we built it previously)
And now you're running postgreSQL for Unifield.
To create/delete databases, you have to connect to your PostgreSQL server like this:
createdb --host=localhost --port=25432 --user=unifield <your_database>
dropdb --host=localhost --port=25432 --user=unifield <your_database>
Bring up the database in internal data mode, listening on port 15432:
docker run -p \
-e POSTGRESQL_DATA=/internal \
--name fz unifield/postgres:8.4
Modify to have MY_POSTGRES_USERNAME=unifield and MYPORT=15432. Open a new bash window. Use pct_all_instances to confirm that you are talking to the Docker postgres. Use pct_dropall, pct_restoreall, etc.
Get a named copy of the running image like this:
docker stop fz
docker commit fz unifield/postgres:8.4_$ver
docker rm fz
Test it by starting it:
docker run -p \
-e POSTGRESQL_DATA=/internal \
-e unifield/postgres:8.4_$ver
The databases you loaded should still be there. Drop one with pct_drop. Stop and re-start the unifield/postgres:8.4_3.0rc2 container. The missing database will be brought back to life, and any updates/inserts into the databases will be reverted.
When using docker-compose, stop and start does not revert the database. It only stops and starts an existing container made from the image. To make new containers from the base image with a clean database, use docker-compose down/up.