Are you looking to convert UDT annotations into png masks? Use udt-to-png
autoseg segments images from a list of points and polygons containing classifications. Autoseg was originally created by Severin Ibarluzea for usage with the Universal Data Tool.
- Simple API
- WebWorker background computation
- Deterministic, suitable for mask compression
- Fast. WebAssembly compiled from state of the art C++ implementations of SLIC superpixeling and graph cut
- Fully compliant with the Universal Data Tool and UDT Format
Make sure to format your file in the *.udt.json format.
npm install -g autoseg
# This will output a bunch of image pngs for the masks of a udt file
autoseg some_file.udt.json -o output-directory
autoseg --help
# Usage: autoseg path/to/dataset.udt.json -o output-masks-dir
# Options:
# --help Show help [boolean]
# --version Show version number [boolean]
# --use-sample-number Use the number of the sample as the mask filename
# (mask0001.png, etc.)
# --output-dir, -o Output directory for masks [required]
const autoseg = require("autoseg") // OR require("autoseg/node")
await autoseg.loadImage({ data: imData, width: 320, height: 249 })
// Points/polygons are in the UDT Shape format
const maskImageData = await autoseg.getMask([
{ regionType: "point", x: 50, y: 50, cls: 0 },
{ regionType: "point", x: 150, y: 150, cls: 1 },
// If you have a canvas, you can draw the image of the mask
canvasContext.putImageData(maskImageData, 0, 0)
// NOTE: nodejs doesn't have builtin support for ImageData, but you
// can use the returned data in a similar way, it's an object with
// { data: Uint8ClampedArray, width: number, height: number }
await autoseg.setConfig({
maxClusters: 1000,
classNames: ["dog", "cat"],
classColors: [0xffffffff, 0xff000000],