Bil is a modeling platform based on finite volume/element methods. Bil is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GnuGPL). Bil can be downloaded from the URL:
Building Bil from source requires:
- Make (
- C and C++ compilers (
- Fortran compiler (
Building Bil on system other than Linux-based OS requires in addition
- CMake (
Building the documentation from source requires:
- Texinfo (
and optionally
- Doxygen (
./base reference solution and data bases
./bin binaries
./cmake macros and functions for cmake
./doc documentations
./examples examples of input data files
./src sources
./lib libraries
./scripts some utility scripts
There are two methods to build Bil from the command line:
- from make (native method suited for linux-based OS)
- from cmake (suited for any OS like Windows or MacOS)
- Build Bil from make (native method)
To build Bil and/or the documentation, use the following commands from the Bil's source directory:
make (build the binary file bil and the documentation)
make bin (build the binary file only)
make doc (build the documentation only)
The binary file is created in the folder ./bin
, the documentation (files info, ps, pdf, txt, html) is created in ./doc
To install Bil, use the following commands (requires root permission):
sudo make install (install the binary and the documentation)
sudo make install-bin (install the binary only)
sudo make install-doc (install the documentation only)
By default the files are installed in PREFIX = /usr/local
bil PREFIX/bin
bil.1 PREFIX/man/man1 PREFIX/info
PREFIX is defined in "Makefile". Unless essential it is not recommended to change the location PREFIX. If however you want another location, change the variable PREFIX in "Makefile" and run "make" again. If you don't have root permissions use an alias instead (i.e. enter anywhere: alias bil='absolutepathtobilfolder/bin/bil-I.J').
Once the installation is completed, running
make clean
will delete all the local files previously created.
- Build Bil from cmake (command line)
Create a build directory, for example as a subdirectory of Bil's source directory:
mkdir build
Run cmake from within the build directory, pointing to Bil's source directory:
cd build
cmake ..
To build Bil then simply type:
the executable is copied in ../bin and the shared library in ../lib.
To install Bil type (this may require root permission):
make install
To change build options you can specify options directly on the command line, for example
cd build
will change the installation directory (by default it is /usr/local on linux).
You can configure a debug build with
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make install
Note that the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable is saved in the cache (CMakeCache.txt). On subsequent calls to cmake CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to its cache value or to "Release" the first time cmake is called.
You can keep multiple builds with different build options at the same time. Below the directory "build" you can place as many target directories for out-of-source build modes as you want. For example
and you could configure a debug build in a "debug" subdirectory with
mkdir build/debug
cd build/debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../
make install
To see a detailed compilation log use
make VERBOSE=1
To see the available targets use
make help
To build and install the documentation type
make doc
make install
Some functionalities (like solvers ma38, superlu, petscksp) require the use of the following libraries:
BLAS: this library is usually supplied by your computer processor vendor, and using a good one is critical to performance. If you are unable to locate a vendor BLAS then you should use either the GotoBLAS, OpenBLAS or ATLAS BLAS (the latter is often available as part of your linux distribution). If you cannot gain access to any of these, you can obtain the relevant BLAS routines by visiting the following URL: Such routines obtained from the above url are at least ten times slower than the other BLAS libraries mentioned.
LAPACK: you can obtain the latest LAPACK from
SuperLU, SuperLU_MT, SuperLU_DIST: you can obtain the relevant C functions by visiting the following URL: Note that these three libraries cannot be mixed, only one can be loaded per build target. SuperMU_MT needs either "omp" or "pthread" library. SuperLU_DIST needs "mpi" library.
Petsc: this library is usually available from package managers. Visit the url for more informations. Note that Petsc needs "mpi" library.
These librairies are not included in this package. You need to explicitly specify their location in the file "EXTRALIBS". You can also choose to disable the use of these libraries and the associated functionalities by deleting or commenting the locations. The file "EXTRALIBS" is also where you can add other libraries for your own development. Just add the location of the library using a macro name for this library, e.g. NEWNAME, and use the macro NEWNAMELIB in your implementation to test if the library is really installed.
This package contains some fortran routines provided by HSL: "HSL, a collection of Fortran codes for large-scale scientific computation". See
The bil program prints out the available options when run without any option. To run a specific job, you can enter
bil [options] myfile
Please mail all bug reports and suggestions to me. I will try to give satisfaction.