Project for the microprocessor course. This project consists of using the Raspberry Pi Pico W as an MQTT client, which sends the temperature data to an MQTT broker hosted at Thingspeak.
- sensor BME280.
- OLED 128x64 0.96".
- Raspberry Pi pico W with micropython.
- Protoboard.
- wiring 26 AGW.
- push button.
I2C pins:
SDA -> GP4 (pin 6)
SCL -> GP5 (pin 7)Push button pins:
GP11 (pin 15) and GND (pin 13)Power out pins:
3.3V -> pin 36
GND -> pin 38
create a file called
at the root of the project with the following values (MQTT related variables are obtained from Thingspeak).
wifi_ssid = "Your wifi SSID"
wifi_password = "Your wifi password"
mqtt_username = "Your MQTT username"
mqtt_password = "Your MQTT password"
mqtt_clientId = "Your MQTT client ID"
mqtt_channel_id = 0000000 # Your channel ID
mqtt_write_api_key = ""
mqtt_server = ""
mqtt_port = 1883
Once you have all the files ready you must connect the Pico W to the computer via USB, so you need to upload the python files and the lib/
folder one by one
An example using the lib/
mpremote cp -r lib/ :
At the end in Pico W there should be only these files:
And with that, you're ready. Now to test the code, you just have to write mpremote run
NOTE: This image was shot before interruptions implementation. The correct wiring is at top of this document. Is the fritzing one.