Each week students will be sent course materials on Monday or Tuesday. These will include a video tutorial, sample files, and a set of exercises. The course can be completed entirely online. Students will have opportunity to get one-on-one guidance from TAs on Wednesday mornings from 10 AM-12 PM in room 412, Rosebrugh building, St. George campus. Students will also be able to ask for help online using Slack during this time. Weekly exercises and assignments will be due on the Sunday night of each week.
Week 1. Introduction & computer setup
Week 2. Introduction to the command line
Week 3. Python introduction: data types, conditional statements, loops, functions, packages
Week 4. Python continued: review
Week 5. Python continued: OOP and more on analyzing data (multiple files)
Week 6. command line programming and version control
Week 7. Using Python instead of Excel
Week 8. Data visualisation
Week 9. Visualization for exploratory data analysis
Week 10. Statistics: data preprocessing (tidy data, reshaping data, cleaning data); Hypothesis testing (ttetst: one sample, two sample, paired, ANOVA)
Week 11. Statistics: Tests of Association (linear regression, multivariate linear regression, generalized linear models)
Week 12. Machine learning (Normalization, Dimensionality reduction, PCA, UMAP, Supervised Learning:Decision trees, Evaluating model, Unsupervised Learning: K-means clustering, Quality metrics)
Each week will include a set of associated exercises, each set worth 6% of the total course grade. A final assignment will also be required, worth 28% of the total grade.
90% -----at least an A-
80% -----at least an B-
70% -----at least an C-
60% -----at least an D-
Late assignments will be accepted but docked 20% for each day late.
Students should send completed exercises/assignments to the following email address: BME1478H@gmail.com
Exercises/assignments are due by 11:59 PM on the Sunday of each week