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Will Strohl edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

This is a scheduled job that's created to allow you to synchronize all of the files in your Portals/* folders with the database in DNN.


Install this extension using the installation wizard in DNN, like any other extension.


Once installed, you'll need to add the scheduled job and configure it as you desire. You'll find a video overview of the scheduler below.


Beyond the obvious, this scheduled task will iterate through each site (portal) in a DNN instance and synchronize the file system and database for each site found.

If any exceptions occur, they will be logged in the Log4Net log file, as well as in the DNN Event Log.

If you turn on the Log4Net debugging, you'll see notes added to the Log4Net log file so that you know when it starts and ends, which may be helpful in debugging various issues on your DNN website.

Finally, there is a symbols installation package included, should you need to debug this extension.

Configuration Values

The following values are suggested when configuring the scheduled job.

Setting Value
Friendly Name Synchronize Portals Folders
Full Class Name and Assembly Upendo.Libraries.FileSync.ScheduledJobs.SyncFiles, Upendo.Libraries.FileSync
Retain Schedule History 5
Frequency 1 Day
Retry Time Lapse 1 Hour

The only item above that is not optional in how it's configured is the Full Class and Assembly. That value must match identically. The remaining values may be updated to match your desired implementation and outcome.

Special Notes

The Friendly Name should very easily identify what the job does without thinking about it. This way, any superuser can log in and instantly know what it's supposed to do.

The Retain Schedule History number is really up to you. How many instances of the task history do you want to be able to look through?

The Frequency should not be any more frequent than once per day. Anything more than that could result in a slower-performing website.

The Retry Time Lapse may be very different from environment to environment, depending on the specifics of the implementation and the environment. Many variables could be taken into account, including website traffic, up-time expectations, environmental resources, and more.

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