Uploadgram frontend for Android (and web)
Just go to the latest release and click one of the packages or you can download it on F-Droid, by clicking the button below.
is compatible with both ARM and ARM64 (if you are unsure if your device is ARM or ARM64)app-arm64-v8a-release.apk
is the ARM64 release (compatible with most new devices)app-armeabi-v7a-release.apk
is the ARM release
The first thing you wanna do is change flutter's channel to dev (currently web support is not available in the stable channel), after that, just run flutter build web
(if the message "build web" is not currently supported.
is shown, running flutter config --enable-web
might be needed).
Finally, you need to patch the service worker, otherwise the progress is not going to be shown.
To build the app for Android, simply clone this repository and run flutter build apk --split-per-abi
In the releases there are only APK files which support ARM and ARM64
In this case, it is harder. Indeed, you need to know either Swift or Objective-C, because there are some native implementations that the app uses (file saving, file opening, saving preferences and getting preferences). But either way, I won't support iOS because it is much harder to install IPA files than APK and I can't cover the cost to publish the app to the App Store.
When the flutter support for desktop will be stable enough, sure, for now you can use the webapp, which is the almost same of the native app.
- Material.io icons for the
icon used in the logo - FontAwesome for the
icon used in the logo