Advanced setup for React project using webpack, babel, eslint etc.
Hello unknown visitor.
I have made this repo to bootstrap development of my personal projects in react. It contains all of the up to date libraries to get you up and going with react + webpack + babel setup + custom dev server (without using "real" dev server package).
It is plain and simple and there is no Redux in it. (sorry, still learning)
It is best used as starting point for development. If you are in need for more you can check out my other repo from which you can copy components (buttons, alerts, modals etc.) and utilities (bootstrap, font awesome) etc. to here and it should work.
All of the explanations of packages and why/what was used in this project can be found in package.json.explanation.js file.
You have to have node installed. If you don't, here is a quick link to it.
1.) Copy/Fork/Whatevaaaah this repo and go to its root.
Note: Root folder is condisered to be a folder where package.json file is located.
2.) Open CMD or something similar (powershell etc.) in root of this repo.
Type in command:
$ npm install
3.) Afer installation is done you can now run app. Commands to run enviroments (development and production) are:
$ npm start
$ npm start:production