This is an early version of an Android library for Codec2. It will compile Codec2's original source code for the specified android native platforms (ABIs eg x86_64, armeabi-v7a, etc) using Gradle and compile an aar file. It provides JNI intefaces that can be used to access decode Codec2 files.
This is an Android wrapper for Codec2 developed by David Rowe et. al, used under the LGPL license. See This project also uses elements of a previous wrapper by Ahmed Obaidi used under the LGPL license. See
By default the aar will build for x86_64 and armeabi-v7a. You can change this by changing the buildconfig. Copy to and adjust
This project uses a Maven publishing plugin. Simply use:
./gradlew libcodec2-android:publish
You can set the publishing directory property in buildconfig properties (as above) using the property repo.dir
Unfortunately, at the moment this library requires API 23+. This is because Android's NDK does not support compiling various complex.h math functions on prior API versions. See the Bionic Release Status for details.