This repo contains projects related to Vision, NLP and Reinforcement Learning
1. Sentiment analysis in numpy 😊 😕
Building a neural network from scratch. We understand the effect of importance of learning rate and input size on training speed. Also we check out the learnt embeddings of similar words
Here we discuss different methods of weight initializations and also dicuss why things work the way they do.
Loading a custom dataset in pytorch for machine translation. Can be used for both text and images.
An Encoder Decoder based model to translate from English to Hindi. The code is customizable to be used for other translation tasks.
And end-to-end Encoder Decoder transformer project to solve Quadratic Equations. Also has code for attention maps
4. Multi-Task-Learning 🎯
Learning NER tags and Intent joinly with the same model
Classify images into 50 Landmarks. Albumentations for augmentation. And a pretrained Resnet-34 for transfer learning
Loading a custom dataset in pytorch for image classification
1. Hooks 🎯
1.1 Forward Hooks Learn about hooks in pytorch (Youtube)
Forward hooks can be used for model debugging and create activation maps
This code saves training information into checkpoints and use it to resume training