GraphQL feature for ktor using graphql-kotlin. It's similar to graphql-ktor-spring-server for ktor.
✔️ Queries
✔️ Mutations
✔️ Subscriptions
✔️ Custom Context
✔️ Custom Endpoint (for graphql and subscriptions)
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("gpr.username") as String? ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("gpr.token") as String? ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")
dependencies {
See GitHub Package Guide for more details. If this will be used I can publish to bintray or something else.
Create a basic query with graphql-kotlin:
class HelloQueryService : Query {
fun hello(context: MyContext) = "World, ${context.userId}!"
For more example take a look at their documentation.
Install the feature in Application.module()
install(GraphQL) {
supportedPackages += "jetzt.doppelkopf.server" // add packages from your classes needed or returned from graphql endpoints. (otherwise you will recive an error.)
queries += TopLevelObject(HelloQueryService()) // add query service
// mutations += TopLevelObject(...)
// subscriptions += TopLevelObject(...)
contextFactory = MyContextFactory // see next codeblock
routing {
If need you can create a custom ContextFactory. The Context can contain any information about a request. (for example user information)
data class MyContext(val userId: Int, val customHeader: String?) : GraphQLContext
object MyContextFactory : KtorGraphQLContextFactory<MyContext> {
override fun generateContext(request: ApplicationRequest): MyContext {
val userId = 42 // Parse Request to user
// Parse any headers from the Ktor request
val customHeader: String? = request.headers["my-custom-header"]
return MyContext(userId, customHeader) // return custom context