Software system to support a "bike-share program" in Glasgow.
o Name of Application: Rent&Ride
o Language Used: JAVA 8
o Framework: Spring MVC/ Hibernate
o DB Used: MySql Workbench 8.0
o Server: Tomcat v9.0
o UI: jsp/js/Ajax/jQuery/Bootstap
The application should be accessible by three different roles - Customers, Operators, and Managers.
o Customers - End-user of the application who rent and return the bikes.
o Operators - People who assess, maintain, and manage the system.
o Managers - People who generate and view the various type of reports.
User Registration: Users can fill in their personal information through the registration system, which allows them to create an account to use the application.
Users will be authenticated through a login system with credentials (email id & password) before using the application.
o Rent a Bike : Renting a bike is the fundamental function of any bike-sharing system; A simple bike rental process can give a
better user experience, thereby bringing Customer happiness.
o Return a Bike : Users should be able to return the bikes upon finishing their ride no matter where they are.
o Review a Bike : Customers' valuable insights concerning the ride and the application can make product improvements.
o Report Defect : The app will be captured the information regarding defective bikes by providing a frontend feature to Customers
for reporting the issues. This ensures better tracking of defective bikes across the stations and thereby quick resolution.
o Payment : Users should be allowed to pay for their current ride after the ride finishes.
o Track Bike : This feature allows Operators to track the location of bikes all over the city which increases their productivity.
o Move Bike : Operators can move the bikes between stations across cities according to the Customer's demands.
o Repair Bike : Operators can fix the defective bikes reported by the Customers and update the bike status in the system so that
bikes will be available for the next rides.
o Report Generation : Bike activities over a defined period can display in various forms such as tabular, graphs, etc. which helps
Manager to monitor the entire system performance.
To run the project on a particlular machine, please follow below steps:
- You need to have jdk1.8, eclipse and tomcatv9.0 installed on your system.
- Unzip the source code. The project should be then imported as a maven project. We have a pom.xml file to resolve jar dependencies.
- Please update maven by right click on the project --> Maven --> Update Project, select the project and click OK
- Please maven clean + install the project (Right click on project --> Run As --> Maven Clean and then Maven Install)
- Please install MySql Workbench 8.0 , We have pasted the dump file(dumpFile.sql) in source code. Please run this sql file in your workbench so that DB setup is ready
- In eclipse, go to hibernate.cfg.xml and change your hibernate.connection.url, hibernate.connection.username, hibernate.connection.password according to what you have given while confguring MySql Workbench.
- Import tomcatv9.0 as the server, add the project and run it.
- You can access the application on browser : http://localhost:8080/RentBike